Low budget rocks!

I've found that whenever I start watching a film that is a bit different - such as it is a different language with subtitles or it is filmed completely on a set (is that Dogme style - like Dogville, anyway), shown in segments 'back to front' like Memento, or like this film, shot as a grainy black & white movie, I really notice it at the start but as I am absorbed by the storyline I completely forget it. I like travelling in Europe & I'd have loved to see this film in high definition colour it had been made that way - but it wasn't.

The way the film is shot, with large gaps in the storyline, is annoying as we have to guess quite a lot at times - & at the end of the film the movie seemed to break off completely (perhaps that was a problem at our particular screening - in he West End just a few hours ago) - the screen kept going black & teh cinema staff came in & put the lights on thinking it had all finished - but thinking about how it all went & what it meant or may have meant gives quite a lasting impression of the film.
