what happend??

please can anybody tell me how it end prisionera, because i missed the final week cause i was in holidays so i can't see it


Okay, I guess enough time has past to explain what went on. But thier are SPOILERS included here, so if you don't want to know, don't read on.

After Lulu kidnaps Libertad and gets away again, she arrives at Daniel's house and trys to kill the family. Rudolfo sacrifices himself and takes the bullet that would have killed Libertad. LUlu gets killed by the cops. LIbertad never finds out who here real father is. (Rudolfo raped Guadalupe, just before Lulu set her up to take the fall for killing Daniel's brother.) Fr. Antonio marries Daniel and Lupe, and they all live happily ever after. Libertad accepts Lupe as her mother, but still loves Milagros, who appartently stays on the farm in Mexico. The final scene skips ahead about a year and the story ends with Guadalupe giving birth to twins. One final group hug and the series ends.

I can't wait to watch the whole thing over agian when they re-run the series, hopefully after they finish re-running PASIONS DE GALIVANES, or whatever it's called!

The Doctor: I wonder...
Leela: What?
The Doctor: Shh. I'm wondering.
