MovieChat Forums > Growing Up Gotti (2004) Discussion > PERHAPS THE BIGGEST WANNABEs IN TV HISTO...


I watched 2 or 3 episodes of this pathetic attempt at entertainment purely because I had known previously of the family and their relatives. Pure curiouity of what they could possibly be doing on television.

That fact of the matter is that their lastname is NOT GOTTI!!
It's AGNELLO. Theydon't have the infamous GOTTI last name, but yet they wish they did - as if it is a good thing to be associated with a murderer, robber, drug dealer, loneshark, racketeer.
Not to meention, of all mob bosses in American history - he was perhaps the dumbest and definitely the most immoral to his crime syndicate. hew asn't even loyal to that. He is only known because he liked to wear expensive suits and spit in the New York district annorney's face - but Who had the last laugh??

SO, Now you have these clown grandkids idolizing their criminal granddaddy.
Their dad is in jail for the same *beep*
They are not even full blooded Italians - although they act like it. They are part Russian-Jew (not that it is a bad thing - but they wanna be F.B.I.)

Their mom acts like a successful career woman - but we ALL KNOW THE TRUTH. No woman with her type of JOB can afford that SIZE OF a HOUSE in THHaT NEIGHBORHOOD of all places solely on her salary.

Those punks are spoiled little brats and all the dough they spend bmws, hairgel, designer clothes and eyebrow waxings on is BLOOD MONEY!!

They give Italian-Americans a bad name. They are scum.
