MovieChat Forums > Growing Up Gotti (2004) Discussion > omg! is it coming back on??????

omg! is it coming back on??????

"Growing Up Gotti will premiere its fourth season after 3 years on August 22, 2008 on A&E at 9:00 PM ET."

is this true?????????

then again, i did read this off wikipedia....

but please tell me its true!



but i did read somewhere else, not wiki, that carmine had dinner with his father and it was being filmed for a reality show.... so i assumed that wiki was right.
even if its not GUG thats coming back on, do you know if there are ANY shows with the gotti bros coming on?



hey, i noticed your from england, so am i! i just wanted to ask... where did u watch GUG? was it a couple years ago on the biography channel? i really want 2 watch it again, but it doesnt come on, and on youtube the qaulity isnt all that?




on, on the Growing Up Gotti discussions page, at the bottom there is a poll asking if you'll watch the new season under the name Grown Up Gotti. heres the link p;start=5 but if you search Grown Up Gotti, it doesn't have anything about it...
so according to that, i'm gonna say its true, but i dont know anything about the release date.

british weather is a lot like seattle's weather. only it has an accent.
-thank you Garbo.


Are you serious??



are you being serious????





