MovieChat Forums > The Wild (2006) Discussion > Tarzan--last of disneys quality movies.

Tarzan--last of disneys quality movies.

Remember when Disney made the movie "Tarzan"? It was the last of the successful disney movies before the newer disney movies quality went down from there. The Imperors new groove and Kronks new groove were some of the better disney movies. Disney quality is slowly coming back with the movie "Cars",which is the best disney movie since "Tarzan".


"Cars" was by Pixar if I'm not mistaken.

And yea, I agree with you. Disney's golden age is over.

Only two things are infinite, the Universe and Human Stupidity. I'm not sure about the former.



Was Mulan before or after Tarzan? I think which ever one was the last. Wait! Lilo and Stitch. That was good. I say Lilo and Stitch was the last good one. However, I'm got to risk a lot and say the golden day's haven't even began... Disney, bring us another good one!


Lilo and Stitch was Disney's last great film all on its own, not including Pixar's films and what not. I'm wishing for the best with Meet the Robinsons, but I don't know, things aren't looking too good... we'll see.

"I don't like so much freedom down there. It makes me tingly in my giblets."


I really never understood the appeal of Lilo and Stitch, what is it about the film that you guys like so much? I thought it was rather crap. Bad animation, silly aliens, almost none existant plot, no spectacular music etc etc etc.

"Remember, remember the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot." - V, V for Vendetta


Lilo and Stitch was a beautiful tale about acceptence and family. We have Lilo, who's basically an outsider where she's originally from, very sweet and quirky, yet misunderstood. Stitch is the exact same way. They find each other and become best friends, they understand each other, this is what makes their bond so amazing. Then we have the whole family theme, which I thought was an excellent touch and an all around perfect message to give to the kids or anyone else who's willing to listen.

I didn't think the animation was bad. I thought it was rather great actually, but... I guess we all have our different opinions. The aliens weren't silly... they were comical and funny, but still served a purpose to the story. I thought the score by Alan Silvestri was spectacular and some of the Hawaiian songs were great such as "He Mele No Lilo" and "Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride". And of course, the integration of Elvis' songs and such worked real well for me.

I don't know, I just love the movie.

"I don't like so much freedom down there. It makes me tingly in my giblets."


I really think "Brother Bear" was a very good movie, and it was very good made!!
But I feel that it sad that now it is only amimation.... Like Little Chiken, Over The Hedge, and all the rest of the animation films. Don´t get me wrong, I love those movies, but it a little bit sad...


The Lion King was the last for me. I havent seen the same quality since then. Too many Disney movies these day relying on goofy characters and just comedy in general. Compare the old disney movies with such detail in the drawings like Sleeping beauty or even Beauty and the beast. The music too. I cant remember the last disney theme song besides lion king.


I agree. We've long past the days of animated classics, such as the Disney princess movies, which, besides not being based totally on comedy, were also given more of appeal to the child audiences, when they added the musical portion.

Has there been another Disney musical since the Lion King? Or is that technique long gone, due to today’s idea of what a movie should really be? Are we losing one of the greatest film making companies in the world to comedic humor, bad plot lines, and stupid characters?


I totally agree with rorydapup, The Lion King was the best Disney movie ever made in my opinion, and it seems to be the last one that was quality movie by Disney. However I will put my hand up and say that I liked Brother Bear, but seriously, Tarzan was awful, I really didn't like that movie. For me The Lion King was the best and last decent Disney movie made thus far.


The Golden Age ran from The Little Mermaid to Tarzan, with Pocahontas, Hunchback and Hercules being the slight hiccups but still good films. Then The Emperors New Groove was ok, Atlantis and Treasure Planet were awful, Lilo and Stitch good, Brother Bear good, then.....Chicken Little and The Wild. The Wild being the worst EVER.



the time of the epic animated diney movies has died, it seems that disney is more conserned about making more crapy movies in one year than in puting all their heart and soul in a few good ones.


The Golden Age ran from The Little Mermaid to Tarzan, with Pocahontas, Hunchback and Hercules being the slight hiccups but still good films. Then The Emperors New Groove was ok, Atlantis and Treasure Planet were awful, Lilo and Stitch good, Brother Bear good, then.....Chicken Little and The Wild. The Wild being the worst EVER.

I would have to disagree with most of that. Which pretty much just goes to show how people can have different opinions (seems to shock people here on imdb, but its true!)


What parts do you disagree with?
Just curious on other opinions.



Disney did not buy the rights to the Wild. It owns the Wild, it merely outsourced the animation to another animation company, but it is a Disney venture, and it was 9 years ago when it first came into fruition (at Disney). Infact it was originally supposed to be Pixar animated, at another point it was meant to be Disney Live Action and at another it was meant to be done by Disney's in house animation team.


Well I have not seen every movie on the list, but...

I personally loved the Emperors New Groove, as do most people I know. I would definitely say it is better than "ok", and would actually rather watch it than the Lion King, if given the choice between the two.
Lilo and Stitch was pretty much torture for me, and the Wild is up there as one of the funniest and most entertaining (though admittedly perhaps not the greatest storyline-wise) animated films.
I have not seen most of the other films mentioned, but I've heard everything from praising to bashing for each of them.
My point is not that you are wrong by any means, simply that people have different opinions on movies so its impossible to really pinpoint a "Golden Age".


First of all Cars made by Pixar,and yes they belong to Disney...but they are the only 3d studio that dedicate time for the story and not for opinion is: 3d become so trash(talking as 3d Animator) thanks god we have a studio like Pixar to inspire us all... and not forget that the plot is the most important thingi in making yes Disney is S***t but don't mixed them up with Pixar.

