Star wars RIP OFF

A blatent ROTJ rip off! The koala being a god but denying it. The wildebeasts preparing to roast and eat his friends at a feast. And the biggest rip off of them all.....WHEN HE FLIES!!

might just be me though....



Cause, you know, Star Wars didn't take tonnes of ideas from Dune.

Seriously, you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Every movie ever made has parallels to other movies. Now you're just really digging for them.


IDEAS are fine. But a rip-off of a whole scene?! Cummon now..........


Well, if using a similar idea, probably not even on purpose, is ripping off, I wonder how you feel abotu Star Wars taking most of its angles and action directly from World War 2 stock footage, and the medal scene at the end stealing from footage of Hitler honoring nazi soldiers?



Yeah, weird how you have no response to that.


No, you idiots. It's a Home Alone rip-off. Pure and simple. And a great one, as well. There a lot of scenes and quotes from HA that were repeated here:

"You bomb me with one more can, cub, and I'll snap off your testes and boil them in motor oil!"
The nail in the foot scene.
Instead of having 2 bumbling bad guys, we get 5, and instead of a little kid, we get a lion cub.
"Hiya, pal. We outsmarted you, this time. Get in here!" "There! What are we gonna do with him, Barry?" "We'll do exactly what he did to us. We're gonna burn his head with a blowtorch." "Yeah, and smash his face with an iron!" "I would like to slap him right in the face with a paint can, there!" "Or shove a nail through his foot!" "First thing I'm gonna do is bite off every one of them little claws, one at a time."
"Down here, you big horse's ass! Come and get me or I'll call the cops!"

Well, you get it. Besides, who has NEVER seen Home Alone?




The wild was in production long before Madagascar. Madagascar was just released first. I thought it was damn good to!



biggity biggity BIZZUMP!



there is a difference between a rip-off and a parody. taking the scene from ROTJ was probably just a joke. The Simpson's takes entire scenes from other classic movies as well, like The Godfather and The Shining. And don't get me started on their halloween episodes, but it's funny, so that's all that matters.


i also think these are rather homages, nods-to or whatever you wanna call it to movies .. there are other star wars references in the movie: e.g. when they are nearly squezzed in the trash car = trash compactor scene in ANH ... Shrek e.g. does tons of these kinds of jokes .. in is funny stuff for the parents who otherwise might get bored by kids films


I would have to agree with the homage notion. The only reason anyone calls these "rip-offs" is because of the Madagascar thing. Any other movie does things like this and its an homage. The Lion King things especially. Pretty clearly homage, especially when they actually show the Lion King musical in the movie. You don't steal from something and then credit it.



It's called a SPOOF, you idiot!

