What a rotten film

There's little about it that stands out as original and only the character voiced by Eddie Izzard is any good.

The pacing is terrible due to the lack of variety. It's all fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, animal falls off/bumps into something, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, animal falls off/bumps into something, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, animal falls off/bumps into something, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, animal falls off/bumps into something, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue, fast dialogue...well, you get the idea.

About the only relief from this constant fast pace is offered by the inevitable sad songs as one of the characters wishes things were different (soundtrack album featuring various artists anyone?)

It's just too shallow for words, and yet I notice the box artwork tells us that it's a Disney Classic! Hey, Disney! Overuse the word classic and the real classics get diluted, have some respect for your audience and your products! But then, this is the company that puts adverts on retail issues of their DVDs (adverts on rental issues I can take, but please don't make me pay you money to watch your own advertising)

OK, I'll "calm down" now...



Well done. You may pick up your prize from the usual area.


Absolutely, AMEN. You said it better than I could have, and my kids think they *must* watch it every time it's on TV. Thank goodness no one "gifted" us with the DVD, I might accidentally have had to step on it.


That's all crazy-talk. This film is amazing.

EVERYTHING stands out as original:

- the main character voiced by Keifer Sutherland
- the theme of a father thinking that his son must acheive what he couldn't at his age
- the brilliant score by Alan Silvestri
- the story of friends who discover differences and accept them; the story of animals leaving the zoo to face the challenge of the wild

Just because a script is fast-paced does NOT mean that it's badly-executed. It's not every movie that you're gonna hear hilarious lines like "I'm not designed for this! I want a car!" or "What the heck is an octive?", which also add to the whole stand-out-as-original concept.


>Just because a script is fast-paced does NOT mean that it's badly-executed

Well, that's true, but this film was badly executed. It's a stinker, and the constantly fast pace of the dialogue is just one reason.


Well said, SaffronCityInn.
And apparently jpjeffery is ignoring reality by still making proofless claims about "bad execution".
The Wild was brilliantly executed. Everything from the zoo, to the city, to the jungle, to Kazar, to Ryan's and Samson's strain and the stories behind them and every secondary character, all fit exactly as they should.
jpjeffery isn't even explaining why he thinks the dialogue is "fast-paced".
Since he isn't, I guess we both have the right to assume that his molecular stream is too slow for his own good.


I agree, this is by far one of Disney's worst films ever!, I thaught it was a cheap and nasty mix of Madagascar (which was also terrible), The Lion King and Finding Nemo, in fact at points I thaught it was so much like The Lion King at points I thaught Disney was trying to claw back their glory days of the early 90s. I actually thaught Eddie Izzards character was intensely irritating, he was trying to hard to be funny.


This is any worse then most films made for kids. I bet you never saw Titanic: The Animated Movie. lol

What I did like was the music and the Koala who warrants his own movie. These flicks are made for kids. They are meant just to be barely bearable for the adults who have to take the kids to the movies to see it or buy the DVD. I bet a lot of kids will feel differently about it being rotten and ultimately them not us adults is who the flick was made for. Sometimes they hit the jackpot and both adults and kids like the a movie but that is not often.


This film is nothing but a recycling of old ideas from better films like The Lion King and Madargasca, and so doesn't deserve to be seen as anything more than a rip-off. Totally soulless and corporate driven. After watching it and reading the back of the box, I had to laugh when it was referred to as a Disney Classic. Talk about false advertising! That like saying Gordon Brown is the proper elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Let's face it, if Disney hadn't bought out Pixar, as an animation franchise they would be DOOMED. Everything good that comes from the house of mouse these days has Pixar's thumbprints on it. I bet Walt would be turning his grave if he knew how reliant his old company where on a third party to recapture previous glories. Never mind, as long as can keep watching quality films, I don't give a rat's bottom who finances them. Next up: Wall-E. WHOPPEE!!

I'm not a troll. What you see above is what I actually feel. Take it or leave it, bub.


LOL. So what. Most American movies are mindless corporate rip offs and Disney is the number one offender of it. All of their movies are very manipulating, And what is worse children are usually the key audience. I suggest if you want high art stop looking at most of the movies made in the last 20 years. Perhaps if they see most people are not looking at their crap they studios will get back to making good movies instead all of the recycled crap they have been making in the last 2 decades. I can go back to te 70's actually I was being too kind only going back 80's.
