MovieChat Forums > The Wild (2006) Discussion > What's the most forgotten movie of all t...

What's the most forgotten movie of all time?

Hey, I'm was just thinking, when The wild was out of theatres and not on DVD, I thought it was being forgotten, and it was. No one was talking about it, they're all talking about Cars, junk like that. Now its about to come on DVD, and its comin' back to Earth. So I've got a question: Whats the most forgotten "PRESENT" movie of all time? PRESENT. Not some movie from the 1930's. JK thinks that Pirates of the Carribean is going away. Whaddaya think? Preferably a movie from the year 2000+ Thanx

JK Out.


As far as disney flicks go, I'd say Valiant (however you spell that one about the pigeons on ww2 )


Now, I think that Sharkboy and Lavagirl is long gone. That really is forgotten. I'm gonna check it out to bring it back to life.

JK Out.


Ice Age2.. i didn't know that came out, is it even out on dvd? god..

"What a ship is..what the Black Pearl really freedom"


i forget now...

STEWIE: Never call them that again! It's Lois and the Fatman! Do you hear me?


Robots? or Stay, and Valiant... wow three Ewan McGregor movies... I remember seeing a trailer for Stay and then it seemed like weeks later a commercials for the DVD

"Eminently Practical and Yet Appropriate as Always"


robots isnt that bad, i actually enjoyed that film

STEWIE: Never call them that again! It's Lois and the Fatman! Do you hear me?


I didn't say it was bad, I said it was forgotten.

"Eminently Practical and Yet Appropriate as Always"


Robots, Valiant, Sharkboy and Lavagirl, and Brother Bear. even with a second movie out, Brother Bear is rarely talked about. oh, and no, Ice Age 2 isn't out yet. I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL IT IS!

Light and dark are eternal, but that doesn't mean we should give in either.


ice age 2 is out...well at least on the rental market, which has mysteriously founds it's way onto the torrent world


Either Stay, Valiant, or Beerfest.


Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy

JK Out.


Hey man...leave Hitchhiker's outta this!

But as for forgotten and gathering dust I'd say The Polar Express.


uhm.. i actually have to say, Snakes on a Plane and crank


Peter Jackson's King Kong. Is that even out on dvd yet? I wished I could have forgotten it as soon as I saw it.

**I cannot eat 40 marbles; therefore, I would not make a good Hungry, Hungry Hippo.


those movies are both 10/10 and they're still in theatres!!
Shaun of the Dead: best rom-zom-com ever


Don't say that, we're not using the "zed" word.

I am Jack's IMDb post.


Ice Age 2 has NOT been released on DVD in North America yet (except as a BOOTLEG). It will be available November 21st.


How 'bout, um... Maybe The Mask and son of the mask.

JK Out.


I would say the movie "The Forgotten"


Iloved Valiant


haven't heard of that one for a's out

Shaun of the Dead: best rom-zom-com ever


ice Age 2 was released here in Mexico as region 4 DVD in June or July(can't remember exactly), but it only has spanish and portuguese languages. Why was it released so early? Who knows, maybe to beat piracy. But I really miss the english voices though.


What about Aquamarine?

You see, in the moment, no one realizes peanut butter is boneless.


I would say Constantine. It was dismissed as too similar in tone to the Matrix, but it was a good story from a great source with good acting from Rachel Weisz and suitable stoicism from Keanu.


Sky High, Curious George, and um, uh........... somtin' else.

You gotta check out Please. It's so deserted.


aquarmarine sucks, and yea its long gone.

Shaun of the Dead: best rom-zom-com ever


Ice age 2 is NOT on the rental market yet. If it is at your store, you should report them because it is NOT LEGAL to have it out before street date. Street date is: November 21st, 2006. Believe it or not, rental stores can't rent out DVD's any sooner than anybody can buy them!



yes they can..

and for the one who said The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.. its kinda true.. though, I wish they'd make Restaurant now! :P

most forgotten movie..? I'd say Revolver

6 x 9 = 42
My DVD Collection:


i think the ring 2
i was waiting for it to come out, but it was already on dvd


alien vs predator (2004)

Shaun of the Dead: best rom-zom-com ever


!Nacho Libre! Nachooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Yeah! I loved that movie! Its hilarious! 2 bad its gone.


Monster House and Cars



2015 is the title of a movie I saw a preview for, however, I cannot seem to find any reccord of this having ever existed. I saw the preview in a movie theater some years ago, it's aobut some apartment that no one has ever come back from... but one person.


Kaze is the title of a movie I saw a preview for from a video podcast on iTunes. Can't find anything about it either, but it looks pretty cool. It's not even out yet (supposed to come out in '08) so I suppose that's why...

Spy Kids

My sibs love this series, though I find it merely okay. We have all three at home (as well as numerous other movie listed in above posts...) although they don't watch them too often. Actually, we don't movies in GENERAL too often...

Of course, you will never know the most forgotten movie since the new millenium. Why? Because the most forgotten one is just that- forgotten ^^


most forgotten movie of all time? hmmm..i just cant remember :)

im a crazy, rabid squirrel! I WANT MY COOKIES!



Curiose George
The Nativity Story.My mom wanted to see this.We saw somthing else,and I never heard from it again.Also,Battle for terra came out like 3 weeks ago and no one remembers it.What about Deja Vu.No One talks about that. And Fly Me To The Moon.

Killer tomatoes forever

Proud regular of Spidey 2 vido game.
