Eight Years Later...

... And this movie is still surprisingly relevant. Perhaps even more so, what with the extension of the Patriot Act, NDAA, drones, the drive for alternate energy sources and everything else currently happening in the US.

Human beings are an irrational species. Some are even afraid of pickles.


Totally agree. Like i said, it's way ahead of its time. It has a great re-watchability factor.


Count me in as well. This movie was truly ahead of its time.

I keep hoping that some day it will find its audience.

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."


This is film is brilliant- so multi-layered that I keep noticing stuff I had missed in the previous viewing.



This and Cloud Atlas may be two of my fav under rated films

Noticeable Mentions:

The Nines
Cabin in the Woods
The Island
