Read the comics first!!

I love this movie, there is so much going on, so the right mind can piece together so much background information, this is clearly inspired by real projects such as MKULTRA and the Montauk Project, but all of this goes on in the background, and if you dont read the prequel comics, it can be really hard for the lowest common denominator audience to understand, this movie certainly is not made for the masses, remember most people have an iq of 100 give or take, which is not an insult to "regular folks", high IQs can be a burden, and hinder your functioning in regular soecity, but it makes you good at piecing together puzzles like this movie.

And boy what a puzzle! I saw this movie maybe 6 times under the influence of different psychoactives, which also helps in seeing it in different perspectives, but after i read the comics, many of my insights were verified! Such a mind boner! and a good way to open the old dopamine valve in the brain!

but take my word for it, DO READ THE COMICS!! especially if youve seen this and have no idea what is going on, this is a masterfully woven piece, sowing many topics and elements into a modern story, but you have to really look between the lines here.

Try some LSD or microdoses of ketamine while watching this the second or third time, and thank me later ;)


Thank you! Someone actually knows about the comics! That's why most dumb people have no idea what this movie is. Great movie love the concepts and ideas. Even the actors didn't understand it. I didn't get it either for the first time but I liked the ideas so I checked it out and found out about the comics. One of my favs!


So people who have no idea the comics exist are dumb? Well, you spell "fave" without an 'e.' It's not like the movie starts with a Star Wars-like recap of the story so far, although it does borrow the Chapter 4/in media res bit.

I just watched it for the first time. Wish I had read those comics first (provided they are good reads in their own right.) The tone seemed way off at times, but I'll try it again someday.


Yes that was a biiig mistake making the third part and not bothering to at least promote the first two graphic novels. Not many people know about them even now. Was a really great story this guy thought up . think how many great ideas are out there, they just never will get funding in a million years.
