MovieChat Forums > Shadows of the Dead Discussion > holy god this movie stinks

holy god this movie stinks

The director of this movie doesn't know crap about how to create and pay-off suspense. What is up with not showing the guy getting bitten? What's up with your boyfriend being bitten by a corpse and you say "oh well, I have to go get the shovel," and then LEAVING THE SHOVEL IN THE CAR when it's supposedly so important to your self-defense? What's up with running from a zombie, then stopping a few feet away and pulling out a map to find your bearings and crack lame jokes and act absolutely unfazed by just having been attacked by a dead body?

The dialogue was saccharine-laced falsity, just horrible. I actually bought this DVD based on the recommendations here on this forum and the user reviews. I'm starting to think this forum has been taken over by the filmmaker and his friends.
