MovieChat Forums > Reel Paradise Discussion > worth it for the landlord scenes alone

worth it for the landlord scenes alone

The Pierson's landlord is hilarious. He drops by at one point around midnight, obviously inebriated, right after the family has been robbed to ask for a check for the electric bill. Pierson's response is classic. Later he attempts to explain to the Piersons exactly what he has done to cause their maid's husband to want to "leave him in a pool of his own blood." Oh man, this is good.


Seriously, his midnight visit to their house had me in tears, i was laughing so hard. As soon as the film ended I rewound it and watched that scene again. I need to send this movie back to netflix so i can get another movie but i almost don't want to part with just that five minutes of footage.


I saw this documentary many years ago and something made me think about it last night. Maybe it was the way the daughter kept teasing her father for calling the Fijian boy Machete. Thank goodness for the internet - a quick plot search for "family, film maker, movie theater" tracked the movie down.

It's available on Youtube if you want to have another quick laugh.

