I Really Liked It!

Just because there are so many threads saying the movie sucked, here's one lavishing some love. I thought it was sweet and tender and really funny- lots of good dialogue, quirky characters, and, c'mon, a pretty funny premise.

I really consider it a feel-good film. Who's with me?


I am :D

Everything Otis said cracked me up. "I'm just trying to remember the last time someone asked me a question that stupid." Hahaha...

Aloha maku maku. Kahlui Ama Tutu. Don Ho will not emerge from the Valley of Darkness.



I say watch it. I really enjoyed it. I mean yeah there were a few film cliches, but I think that made it hilarious. You know they knew what they were doing. Just funny that the whole town is so supportive.

Pons Asinorum


I am!

I really liked this film a lot!


I'm with you, too!
As stated before, this was not an earth-shattering revelation of a movie, but it *was* a funny and sweetly told story.



Saw this on cable. Great cast, low key but funny action and dialogue. SPOILER ALERT: While Jeff Bridges is thinking up his next half baked get rich quick scheme, his buddies Mo and Ron [collectively named Moron] wail, "Friends don't let friends think!".


I was hooked the moment Andy gave Barney the footage they had of Helen. He didn't hesitate or argue and I was charmed.


I really liked it, too. Great, funny, clever, and underrated movie.

"There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel."


By far one of my favourites



"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"
