
This movie is racist.


And yet, apparently no one gives a damn.


Not even!!


Racist? You stupid wanka!





Irish?! don't you mean the african americans????





There we go again...as soon as someone says the word racist someone automatically thinks of black people - Why can't an irish person be discriminated against aswell. I must agree in every american made movie about irish people they stereotype


Oh please, it wasn't racist in the least. Give it a rest.
"close your eyes. Show me your face. I'm gonna piss on it" -Dave Chapelle


Although the movie wasn't prejudice but it was racist. I hate when people mix those two up, prejudice and racism are different. The plot of a black man going to a white Catholic town is racist in the plot because the role of Jimmy had to be a black man. But kudos to the movie for telling people how Irish Americans suffered when they came here.


irish lad here.........

what a load of rubbish... its comedy, comedy is making jokes of racial stereotyping. therefore its not their views its what other people assume is the norm in ireland.

you gotta relax, truthfully i honoured that eddie is taking the piss out of us.



Benchwarmers, if u wanna make a point, begin a conversation or talk about an important matter such as racism, please do it by saying MORE than 2 single words in your posts.



only thing it missed was leprechauns.



Bob Geldolf is an ass-hat


Crazy Diamond#35

-Not everyone; just maybe 99.999999% of them deserve to be flatheads.


Although the movie wasn't prejudice but it was racist. I hate when people mix those two up, prejudice and racism are different. The plot of a black man going to a white Catholic town is racist in the plot because the role of Jimmy had to be a black man. But kudos to the movie for telling people how Irish Americans suffered when they came here.

Though I think what you said is a bunch of BS. If anything the movie would be prejudice and not racist. Its funny that you hate it when ppl mix the two words up but you got them backwards.


Do none of you recall the discussion between Father Duffy and the several bullies about how they should sympathize with this black man who is visiting them? How in America, racists would dub the Irish things like "Green N...s?" It's a pretty profound moment in a surprisingly profound (as well as very funny and sweet) movie, and very ANTI-racist. If anything, the only group of people this movie really goes against are pompous oafs who think they can commercialize, buy, or otherwise own everything - a very sensible target and message, if you ask me.


And because it is a movie it is ok, it is a comedy so stereo type are used, it's like calling Indians curry munchers and saying all black guys have a big penis. It's the way most humour is created, making fun of others, most stand-up comedians will agree. I am Dutch and I don't get offended by Austin Powers Goldmember...


this movie is very racist towards irish people. i'm shocked they weren't going around barefoot talking about potatoes. there was only 2 irish people in it and it was shot in england. do a bit of research before you make a movie. i don't know i'm too pissed off after watching it. i am insulted as a proud irish man (this means i was actually born in Ireland by the way. not my great great grandfather)


I totally agree with you David being a (full) irishman myself, I grow weary of how Irish are perceived by american and other foreign countries movies, if you type Leprechaun into IMDb the results will leave any Irish people sick.


Of course it's racist, but the morons saying it isn't are either blacks, who love to mock any white race anyway, or whites suffering from 'white-guilt'. Either way, they are some sad goons. Oblivious to everything around them.
Now, if it was a white guy in Africa or India or South America and he mocked the local customs, languages and people's appearance, these idiots saying Irish Jam isn't racist would be the first boneheads crying 'racist film'. Dummies.
