Griffin in Ireland

I think I might be on the look-out for this movie. It's like a hip-hop mixture of the QUiet Man and Waking Ned Devine, or so it seems from the brief synopsis. I like Griffin, he's a funny man. Will be fun to see what kind of culture clashes Griffin can pick up on. Just wondering, and this is a trivial question, is Griffin an Irish name? I am always confused where Irish names and Scottish names crossover.


Don't know about the name - but he is such a funny guy. I was an extra in the film and Eddie was so friendly with us all. He was hilarious and the outtakes should be good!


I agree he was funny and so were his two entourage. I was the tranpsort co-ordinator and my lil sis was an extra and she thought Eddy was hilarious. My lil sis and i are dying to see the film as she has a full face shot in the final cut.



In America the Irish were slave owners as well as indentured servents. Irish men also married black women. So many Black-Americans have Irish ancestors.


OMG LOL, Thank you for bringing that up. I'm not too in touch with my Irish roots these days, but from what Family Guy has to offer, I'm going to say that yes, Griffin is a very Irish name. They're always saying that the Griffins are "a lower-middle class Irish family." Plus there was that episode where Peter and Chris went to the Irish Museum or whatever to study their roots. HA! Does that answer you're question?


Griffin is of Scottish/Irish origin, the Scots were an Irish tribe and there has been alot of movement between the two in the past.


Perhaps, but the sad, yet realistic fact, is that many blacks have Irish last names because their ancestors were slaves to those with Irish names.



It is true that Irish were slaves in America but indentured slaves. Not the same as the African slaves. Also Yes Africans did sell other Africans into slavery, the horror is how they were treated when brought to this country though. And how thier ancestors are still mistreated in this country. There were many Indian tribes that were slaves so you are incorrect there. Maybe you should read a book or two as well.



Yeah, and do you know how many peoples of color were slave owners of other peoples? Try looking up the Moores. As for the Irish slaves here being indentured, perhaps, but they were also enslaved in their own country (and murdered and kicked out of their homes). The treatment of black slaves here (years ago, mind you), was terrible, but hardly the only people of total oppression and hardships. As for the so-called mistreatment of blacks here in America today, um, there's a lot of injustices here towards a variety of skin colors (try getting medical aid or loans when you're white, working and middle class). You must be another victim of 'white-guilt'. You people seem to carry the guilt around with you, kissing behinds and having no pride about your own people, their accomplishments and the US. Pity.
