A little help...

Hey guys and gals, with Christmas coming up and the shops the usual rip off, having never played the game but heard good stories is it worth twenty quid?
Thanks, p.s.
Before it was rereleased and stocks ran low many people sold it on ebay for loadas, whats the greatest price youve seen it for, paid for.
Thanks and take care.

You are Rick, i can sense it.


It's definately worth it. Top ten reasons (in no particular order):

10. Graphics. The scenery is amazing and the characters - though Ico is a little block-y - are very well crafted. But the castle especially! It looks so real!
9. Music. Mostly it's just there to fill up the silence. But the "battle" music is eerie, the regular background theme is peaceful and lovely, and the ending theme made me cry.
8. Mechanics. It's so easy to play. You don't have to learn any special combos at all. Just simple smacking and bashing tactics that work every time.
7. Play. If you like a good puzzle, then you'll enjoy this game. It's not too hard, but challenging enough to get you to think.
6. Story. The idea of magic and superstition... it's classic.
5. Level. You don't have a stupid health bar that you have to keep replenishing, nor do you have to level up to get stronger.
4. Weapons. Okay, so you start out with a stick. And that in itself is pretty amusing. But then you get a sword! And a Mace! And this really awesome Lightening Ruen sword.
3. Dying. Yeah. It happens. But once you die you start right from the point before you died. So it's like it never happened. Second chance!
2. Movie. The clips are short but enjoyable.
1. Length. You can seriously finish this game in about 6 hours.


well, i don't no nuffin' bout no quid, but i can say this is honestly the most beautifully stunning game i've ever played in my life.
the graphics are mind-blowing for a blue-disc [because they're older.] ps2 game.
and the story will make you want to cry.

go for it, dude.
