Is it necessary

I havent even seen this movie but i think it is safe to assume that it pales in comparison to terrance malick's 1973 classic Badlands, which is based on the Starkweather-Fugate murder spree. I am highly curious as to a) why a studio would waste the money and b) why someone would be willing to pay money for this when they could go out and rent a classic. Please address these two issues for me.


I'll tell you exactly why. Business. The budget on this film was an estimated $1 million. With Dvd sales and rentals in the U.S., Britain, Spain, and Italy they will probably make at least $5 million. $4 million profit isn't a bad days' work for straight to video. As for the second question, playing off of the connection to Badlands, True Romance, and Kalifornia is what will make people interested in seeing this. Curiousity killed the cat. And using those connections might even make them $10 million in dvd sales and rentals. It's all business.
