MovieChat Forums > Starkweather (2010) Discussion > ATTACK OF THE KILLER BOOM MIKES!!!


yes, i realize it was a error in post. but sweet jesus, did it give my husband and i the giggles. it should be a drinking game, i think...

that being said, c. starkweather was a short, kinda goofy looking little sh*t, not Vince Vaughn Lite wearing lifts.

"we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams..."



not at all. would you like me to write it in proper english? with capitals and punctuation and a puffed-up sense of superiority and/or pretention?


here goes.


It has come to my attention that many sources have explained the presence of boom microphones in this film to be an error in post-production, but my husband and I still derive a great deal of juvenile amusement from the microphones' random "guest spots", nonetheless. Perhaps an innovative youth will someday invent a drinking game based upon their untimely appearances.

Technical quibbles aside, Charles Starkweather was, in actuality, a short man who tried his best to look like James Dean--without any notable success. The actor who portrayed him in this film, on the other hand, seemed like he was attempting to channel Vince Vaughn, and not Charles Starkweather. Also without any notable success.


"we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams..."


now that i've read some of your comments, i wonder why the hell i even bothered to line up a well-organized response.

"we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams..."


I am glad you enjoyed the film even if it was the f*!ing boom mikes that made the film amusing for you.

I hope some time you can see the real version.

Have a great day. Your diction does not disturb me, by the way.



i've SEEN the real version. someone associated with the film once promised to send me a copy of it, but that never happened, so i found it on my own. i like the film well enough. i was only fancifying my original post for the yahoo up yonder. cool down, shortcake. : )

"we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams..."


Oops that was probably me that promised you a copy. Sorry

Glad you tracked it down anyway.

Stay well and best regards


yeah, that was you. just wanted to rub it in for a minute. way to be a standup guy for the film you support. : )

"we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams..."



first of all...were you in charge of the final print? did you go over it with a fine-toothed comb with your white gloves on, making sure everything was ready to rip and perfectly framed? from the look of the initial cut, i don't think that it was you that said, "naw, it's FINE. send it on out. it's good to go." that was not your fault.

i'm not a screenwriter. i write short horror stories. mostly for myself, to scratch that "what would happen if?" itch. there's a very slim market for short horror in the mags. they want established authors, and i'm not one of them. i'm just an avid reader with a basic understanding of what will or will not fly with editors.

"we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams..."



i would've given up the subject months ago if people didn't keep responding, and my previous post would've made a lot more sense if...starkweatherfilm, i think it was...hadn't deleted HIS post. i'm not trying to argue with anyone at all. i actually liked the movie. i'm also looking forward to fast-forwarding (or whatever you call it on a dvd player) to the 66 minute mark, so i can catch a final glimpse of the Killer Boom Mike. they're an endangered species, you know. : )

"we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams..."



i did like the movie. i can't say that this is my final post, because, well...people do love to chatter. but of all the Single-Name-Title Serial Killer Flicks, there are only three that stand out in my mind. Dahmer, Gacy, and Starkweather. Take from that what you will, but it's the truth.

"we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams..."
