Shannon Lucio

I wonder when Shannon will be on the OC? Will she be on the show starting with the 1st episode of the new season or will she be on later?

Spike: Yeah, I could do that, but I'm paralyzed with not caring very much.


Shannon has already shot 8 episodes I am not sure when they begin airing; I think it is this season though and maybe they will pick her up for next year.

I am going to post soon the dvd cover art mock-up by THINKfilm. Look for it. the artwork for the UK dvd release is already posted by someone else; it is very nice also.

Thanks again for your interest in the picture.


Thanks. What will the rating be on this film? I wonder how violent it will be.

Spike: Yeah, I could do that, but I'm paralyzed with not caring very much.


8 episodes? The OC page on IMDB says she'll only be in 6.. well, she's awesome in the oc so I hope they keep her as a perm. character or at least have her be in as many as Anna (Smaire Armstrong) was.


Is she off the OC now for good?


Yup :(

Neil Young is the love of my life...


New show?


I don't think so, I think she'll be sticking with small film roles for a while.

Neil Young is the love of my life...
