MovieChat Forums > Starkweather (2010) Discussion > For anyone who isn't familiar with the t...

For anyone who isn't familiar with the true story...

I'm posting a link to Crimelibrary so people who aren't familiar with the real story can read about it.

Spike: Yeah, I could do that, but I'm paralyzed with not caring very much.


I kind of know this story.
Isn't it in the Billy Joel song "We Didn't Start the Fire"? We were learing about differnt times around the time slot of the song (1940-89ish?) and yeah. We came to that part.
It seems like something intresting to learn about.

¤ I'm a wishful thinker with the worst intentions. ¤



I think the film "The Frighteners" also has a Starkweather/Fugate-like couple in it. Or it might have been a couple that was supposed to actually be them. I know Dee Wallace Stone played a woman named Caril-Ann & Jake Busey played a dead killer with the last name Starkweather. I'm just too lazy to look it up right now. :)

"Come on, Wendy, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna bash your brains in!"


Yes, you are right..... Starkweather and Carrie Ann are in THE FRIGHTENERS.

I haven't seen THIS movie yet.
I liked Kalifornia and True Romance.
I didn't like Natural born killers.

Looking forward to this one.

MOVIES...... Gotta love em !!!!!


Don't forget about the movie 'Love and a .45' Much better than many listed.


From a comedy standpoint, Virgil Starkweather of Woody Allen's BANANAS is based on Charlie Starkweather as well.


And Brad Pitt of Kalifornia



I also have a spot on a website about Starkweather. It's at Check it out. I haven't updated it in a while, but there are photos and stuff on him and other criminals such as Lizzy Borden, Al Capone and others.



They didn't find her guilty but many of her "neighbors" still thought she did it. With the website I did, I just wrote what many others wrote. I don't know if she did it or not. If she didn't then who did? There are some parts of the story that make you think, like why didn't she have blood on her or why didn't the maid hear the murders take place. Odd things like that. I don't know if anyone will ever know the truth. Alls we can do is read the evidence and such and make our own opinions.

