Really gain weight?

I watched this last night and kept flipping back and forth between this and another show, but was Caril pregnant? I remember in the beginning Starweather said she had just put on a few but she slept so much in the movie and wore that big coat. Just wondering; sorry if it sounds stupid.

Keep on Truckin/Hoo-ah


Nope. Charlie had gone around telling people at work that him and his girlfriend were going to get married. Needless to say, both his parents as well as Caril's mom & stepdad said no way. Later Charlie went around telling people at work that he was going to become a father. Word got back to Caril's mom & stepdad and that's when the **** hit the fan. Caril had put on some weight, and the day Charlie was at her house, her mom smacked Charlie for "getting Caril pregnant". Needless to say, Charlie hit back, and ended up killing Caril's mom, stepdad, and baby half sister. Screwed up thing is, Caril wasn't pregnant, and I don't think she ever had any kids because of what she went through.

