Where can I see it??

Is it coming to theaters or straight to video/DVD?

I don't mind Albert Pyun's movies (well, except 'Crazy Six' and the 'Corrupt Urban Wrecking Menace Crew' which sucked way beyond all the way regular bad movies suck)
'Nemesis' is a classic! 'Postmortem' is very good! 'Adrenalin: Fear the Rush' was exciting! 'Ticker' was okay!

- Now this movie comes along, Vincent Klyn rocks! David Carradine is cool! And Richard Roundtree? Shaft!! Now I know that Kickboxing is a typical Pyun-subject, but where's the cyborgs I ask?

I hope Scanbox will release it in Denmark soon, like they usually do with Pyuns movies.

-This is my John Hancock?


Is this Movie already released. At imdb.com release date for USA 15th of November 2004, but other sites says Release Date for 2005.



That's just plain sad. I've been looking forward to this movie ever since I saw it was announced.
Albert Pyun isn't connected to the release anymore, so don't blame him (too much).. I think it will come, but it will take a while, though.

We'll just have to wait and see.

-This is my John Hancock?



I wouldn't call him an 'idiot', since he does know how to make money, make movies, and make a name for himself (even though it gets worse and worse everytime he makes a new movie, he hasn't done anything good since 'Ticker', which wasn't all that good. But 'Postmortem' must've been his last not-bad movie I guess).

Max Havoc sounds good, with the cast and all, and Pyun has made a few respectable kickboxing-movies, so I would really like to see this sometime.

-This is my John Hancock?


yo vondeffner you from Guam? If so i can hook you up. I have the movie, and yes it sucks and it was a scam to get money. Who were the idiots that gave the money anyway?



You seem pretty upset about all this, and very certain that it will never be released, which I'm not so sure about.

The movie has been made, and there's lots of stars in it, plus it has a cover and everything. Eventually it will be released.

But it may have been a scam, and the people involved and the people of Guam may have been ripped off though. *beep* happens, many people are too greedy. But I don't wanna blame Pyun, give the guy a break. He's not affiliated with the company anymore, he probably found out it was a mess and decided to leave. But I do think that Laing can be blamed, since he's the producer, and he was responsible for this thing.
Many producers are money-making a-holes who only care about their own pockets.
He's probably one of those types.

-This is my John Hancock?











Cool! Thanks for the link, it looks kind of interesting, any word on the release dates? It just says 'Summer 2005', but if it's not out when September comes, then I'll complain.
But for now, I just keep hoping it will come out. David Carradine and Richard Roundtree kicks major a$$!
That, and I'm somewhat of a Pyun-fan too, since I own more than 10 of his movies.

-This is my John Hancock?


my friends father is the president of Guam Hotel and Restaurant association, and he saw a clip of the film at a private screening. so im thinking there is a film, or they gave up on it.





That piece of crap is going to air soon on Guam. I believe on channel 14. I actually want to watch it - just to see how awful it is.




its strange i've never seen an ANTIQUE shop like that in Agana and the last time ive seen a person do that thing with that rice or corn or watever on guam was ........ NEVER and ive havent seen any1 live in a hut like that on guam since ... i wasnt even thot of ...
oh yea i heard that the other hotel nnot the outrigger the 1 after they get attacked in that taxi (its called Nikko hotel, i think) is haunted or sumthing am i right or is that a rumor?


It was on in Guam tonight. WOW was that horrible! I love how they plugged the sponsors all over the movie. I don't know how many times they showed the outrigger, maybe 100? Also ABC store, Guam Cell, the Pacific Daily News. The last hotel they stayed at was the Hotel Nikko. So Max beats some guy in a kickboxing fight and some guy outside the ring just happens to have his dragon stolen in Tokyo, taken to Guam where Max just happens to be on vacation. Ummmm, what a horrible story. I am still looking for the antique store. LOL!! So the guy at the antique store buys a dragon was 4k and then the girl who buys it from him asks what is it and he said he's not sure. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS BUT JUST PAID 4K FOR IT!!! LOL!!! I have seen more action in downtown Tumon on a Friday night then there was in this action movie. Was Carmen in it? Where was Fat Joe? Guam in reality has japanese tourists all over the area they were but you never see any tourists. Oh yeah the culture dancers just performing on the beach in front of no crowd while people lie on the beach. HAHAHAHAHA!!! YEAH I SEE THAT ALL THE TIME!!! WHAT A JOKE!!!


that movie really sucked balls.

nothign else is needed to say.

"Joon, I'm a bed wetter."


I seriously agree with you, I got a dvd of it because my step father is working on the sequel, as spfx and I was bored silly by the first few minutes, though about the sequel, who knows he did do pretty cool effects so its a 50/50 chance that it would blow the first one out of the water.


The Hotel Nikko is not haunted.


Is there any way I can see the movie. I was actually in the movie i think, atleast they filmed me and my friends in one of the scenes. i left for college july of 2004 and am not going back to guam till 2007 or 2008. is there any way i can buy a copy of the tape or dvd?????
