MovieChat Forums > The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005) Discussion > If I was defending Father Moore...

If I was defending Father Moore...

"I don't consider myself to be "religious". I'm not a member of any church. In fact, I don't think I've ever met a priest or churchgoer who didn't act like I was the devil, but Father Moore is not on trial because of his faith, he is on trial because Gambutrol lost a customer.

"Did you know Ethan Thomas has a brother who works for the DEA?... and owns stock in several pharmaceutical companies?

"Emily was not a victim of superstition, she was a victim of oppression - oppression from the "War on Drugs". The so called "War on Drugs" is just like any another war - the fight is over wealth and power. The pharmaceutical companies use politicians and government agencies to outlaw the good drugs - the ones that are cheap, safe, and effective, so that citizens are forced into paying outrageous prices for the drugs they have patented, such as Gambutrol.

"If it wasn't for the "War on Drugs", or to be more accurate, the "War on Freedom and Equality", Emily would've never gotten epilepsy in the first place. But I'm not going to get into all that. We don't need to go that far "down the rabbit hole". I am here to defend a man who advised a victim of oppression to stop taking a dangerous substance manufactured by the very people who caused the psychosis to begin with.

"Father Moore is not responsible for Emily's death, we all are. The DEA, the FDA, the FBI, the drug companies, the President, the House, the Senate, all the judges, politicians, lawyers, cops, and stalkers who "benefit" from this oppression are responsible.

"And those stalkers, or "Demons" if you will, are relentless. They harass you 24/7/365 days a year. Whenever you try to eat, they are there. Everytime you go to the bathroom - even at 3:00 in the morning - they are there. Every time you get dressed and are standing in the middle of your room in your underwear, they are there. Now, you can make up your own mind about whether Emily deserved to be harassed to death, but one mistake you should not make is to believe that she died because she stopped taking Gambutrol."
