Who played Verus?

What a HUNK! Who played him?


WORD!!! I'd cross swords with him any time. :-) He's way hotter than frickin' Russell Crowe.

According to IMDb his name is Rob Shannon and his only other credit is a bit part in "Charlotte Gray" with Cate Blanchett(probably not worth the price of the rental) - but I think there is a DVD of Colosseum available that has an interview with him on it.


It made me laugh on the documentary when the VO said women were very attracted to gladiators. Well, duh! Any man that looks like that would have women falling over themselves, and I'm at the front of the line.


Excuse me! In those times, men would have had first pick of gladiators for "favours", from some Emperors down. (cf Elagabalus).
