
Jesus Loves You!... someday you'll get it, i just hope it's not in hell.

The Way of The Master, great show, blunt, simple, and to the point!


There the silly christians go again with their hell scare tactic! Sorry, that only works on superstitious boobs! The work of fiction that is Jesus doesn't have the capacity to love me any more than Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny.

I don't know why you said this exact same thing in so many different threads on this page, except maybe to show me that mental illness and religion are linked.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Jesus Loves You!... someday you'll get it, i just hope it's not in hell.

« Jesus loves you, but if you don't love Jesus or his dad in the skies, he will send you to hell.»

Hmmm... sounds like an advanced borderline personality disorder to me. Well, Jesus' dad already suffers from paranoia and sadistic personality disorder, so it's obviously congenital.

« Et moi, je lui ferai porter la sienne comme Saint Denis »


Wow, stalker much?

I've only lied once in my life, and that was it just now.
