Omen Prequel

this was a prequel elading up to The Omen--david Seltzer wrote this--as he did the omen


This is not related to The Omen. The fact that David Seltzer wrote this is moot. This was a TV series which was intended to last several years but was canceled by NBC due to low ratings.


Late reply, but the promos said "a mini-series event"... obviously the ending is open-ended, meaning if the ratings had been massive NBC would have ordered more, but at the same time it had a kind of end, and worked as a typical horror ending, since most horror movies that don't kill everyone leave the story open for interpretation. So I just consider Revelations a mini-series as it works as such.


"Betty's voice brought darkness to the land." - Amanda Tanen


The ONLY connection to The Omen was the mention of Bugenhagen and having disappeared ten years earlier - he actually disappeared (or correctly was buried in Meghiddo) in Omen 2 in 1978

Half Irish, Half German - hated by all. But at least I'm not Welsh
