joshua ganozri

how do you feel about him? i don't think Bulgakov wanted an 'orthodox' jesus, he had done everything to describe him differently. In the series he has a typical goatee and long brown locky hair. What do you think about it? how would it be better?


True. Bulgakov's Yeshua (I want to emphesize this - "Yeshua" and not "Jesus") in my understanding is quite different from conventional Jesus Christ, but I wouldn't say that Berukov did the bible Jesus. On the other hand, in Italian/Yugoslavian version of the film, which is terrible, the actor playing Ga-Nozri portrayed his character as bold and immodest, trying hard to make an alternative Jesus. The try didn't turn out to be a very successful one though.


I agree. Yeshua, despite being able to perform miracles and having an optimistic view on human nature like New Testament Bible Jesus, also came across to me as a little frail and childlike (a perfect foil to Pilate's cynicism). Most importantly, he is very human, and has a human fear of death ('"Why don't you let me go, Hegemon?" the prisoner asked unexpectedly, and his voice became anxious. "I see they want to kill me."'). Also, your average Christian fundamentalist would find serious problems with the Jesus in the book proclaiming that there are no evil people in the world.
I think a Yeshua with a darker complexion, even a black Yeshua, (no more of that Aryan bullcrap!) would've been really cool. But that's just me.
