MovieChat Forums > Long Way Round (2004) Discussion > Read the book 2 see what really happened...

Read the book 2 see what really happened!

I just got through reading Ewan and Charlie's Long Way Round book. When you read each of their accounts of their trip you realise that a lot more fighting went on than you see from the tv programme. I loved the series, but if you read the book Ewan and Charlie were clashing in the early days of the trip big time, with Ewan sick of the jokes that Charlie would play and Charlie thinking that Ewan was over sensitive. Charlie also complains of Ewans dark moods that he said "would bring down everyone around him".And poor Claudio, their camera man, also gets abused verbally all the time, as Ewan put it, made to be the scapegoat. There seemed to be a lot more uglyness behind the scenes than they let on in the tv series, and I think they should have shown these arguments (or commented on them)to give a more realistic account of their trip.

Warner Classic

I am not a number, I am a free man.



When you read the book you'll really look at the tv show in a different light. Remember when they go into the church that was decorated inside with human bones? Well just before than they had had a big argument and already Ewan and Charlies differences were being seen. Ewan said that he drove for miles day after day with a lump in his throat just missing home. One big part of the trip where all hell broke loose was when Claudio failed to see Charlie stop in his rear view mirror. Because of this Ewan (who was in front) and Claudio (who was behind Ewan in the middle drove for 40 miles. Eventually Ewan realised Charlie was gone and drove all the way back, yelling at Claudio for not checking for Charlie in his mirror. When Claudio returned he told Charlie he was sick of Charlies meals and how bad they were. Later Ewan told Claudio that he had made him the scapegoat and blamed him for not noticing charlies absence. "I'm getting used to it" came Claudios reply.

Read the book!

Warner Classic

I am not a number, I am a free man.



Not only that, David and Russ were complete bastards to. They set up everything in the beginning (like the trip to the medaevil cafe, sounds like a lot of fun..)so the show would be "watchable" and they'd get more money but to Ewan and Charlie that wasn't what it's all about.But that wasn't shon on the show so I think the book is way better than the show cus there's more scandal.

Open up my eager eyes, cus I'm Mr Brightside


Yeah, how come the last couple of replies were deleted? I read them and the posts were only agreeing with me or saying "Oh, I'll have to read it". Nobody said anything offensive, so how come they have been scrapped?

Warner Classic

I am not a number, I am a free man.


Is it worth getting both the DVD and the book then?


Yes it is worth getting the book - I'm on my third readung of it :-)



The book is terrific!


When was the last time you heard these exact words: You are the sunshine of my life?


oh .. i want to read the book very much
is the book has published ??

( i live in Hong Kong , so i haven't watched the show and don't have any news about the book)

"Are you talking to me ?"
"Be careful."
-----Ewan McGregor


I got my copy on I can't seem to find it in just regular bookstores here in America. Of course, I'm living in a small Southern town right now, so it might be just the town.

I digress. I'd check on Amazon. I'm sure you can get it there.


When was the last time you heard these exact words: You are the sunshine of my life?


thanks .
i will go there and check for it :)

"Are you talking to me ?"
"Be careful."
-----Ewan McGregor


I'm all for being mean towards Claudio. He's literally the dumbest person on that show, or on Sky 1 ( or whatever non-BBC channel it was on... Can't keep track of all those networks that consist of either BBC or Sky with a slew of numbers after it... yikes, have some creativity! ABC, CBS, NCB, FOX, VH1... COME AWNN!)


I got the book today. After looking on ebay for a decently priced one I went to a big book store that opened up today. I was SO happy it was there!


I think I'm a little addicted, I have both versions of the DVD, the original version and the extended version AND the Book
The book fills in the gaps very well

let me just say that the book isn't all fighting between Ewan and Charlie, everyone seems to have commented on the arguments and I just wan to point out there's more in it.
for example it gives all the infomation from the beginning of the trip that was squashed into one episode. and then more infomation at the end that was also squashed into 1 episode.
the best thing about the book though is the fact that you get to see how ewan and charlie were feeling throughout their journey and how they got into riding motorbikes in the first place.
I love a bit from the beginning of the book where Ewan recounts meeting a fellow biker over the bonnet of a car, there both dressed like bikers, in denim Jackets, open face helmets and goggles, but as they pull away from the car the other biker sees Ewan's riding a Tiny Bike whilst he's riding a harley.

Get all the long way round stuff then you know pretty much everything... YAY!


- charlie290 8 hours ago (Thu May 11 2006 14:41:40)
I love a bit from the beginning of the book where Ewan recounts meeting a fellow biker over the bonnet of a car, there both dressed like bikers, in denim Jackets, open face helmets and goggles, but as they pull away from the car the other biker sees Ewan's riding a Tiny Bike whilst he's riding a harley.

LOL I laughed aloud at that. You are so right. There are so many things, other than fighting, in the book. It's a really good read. I'm 1/3 of the way through it in just a week.


I don't know if it was the language barrier or complete discomfort, but Claudio was a buffoon and I can't help thinking the trip would have gone better without his presence.

Go take a step outside - see what’s shaking in the real world.


I've just got the Dvd only a few weeks back and loved it. I wasn't aware there was a book. I'm actually pleased to learn there is a book.

Bad art is more tragically beautiful than good art 'cause it documents human failure


I just finished the book and I liked it pretty well. I only had a problem with Ewan bringing politics into it once. He was very insulting to my President. I think that was unappropriate and the book would have been much more enjoyable if it would have just been left out. That kind of put a sour taste in my mouth about the book right at the end. I was disappointed. Everybody is welcome to their opinions, but I didn't like the dig against the President. Heck, even if he had said something detrimental about President Clinton I wouldn't have liked it.

Why do politics have to come into a book about a round the world trip? American's know there are other countries in the world. I didn't like the implication that we, and our President, are unaware of anything that goes on in other countries. My family was one of the first families to have Mongolian exchange students. We did the exchange student program the first year Mongolia participated. So, we are quite aware of what goes on over there. Our student was a great kid. He's in college in California now. He became part of our family, so I wasn't too happy with that excerpt.

Otherwise I really enjoyed the book. Charlie's entries were pretty funny. I don't know if he or Ewan made the entry about Charlie covering up his boots by pulling socks over the openings to keep spiders out of them. I'm right there with you Charlie! No spiders for me!


where does Ewan have a dig at a president, (not to be offensive, but which country)


President Bush of the United States on page 233.

Quote, "I lay in my ger thinking that if the likes of President Bush, who might even struggle to find Mongolia on a map, had spent some time finding out what was happening outside their own countries, they would recognise what all people of all nationalities and religions have in common, instead of focusing on the differences, and maybe the world wouldn't be in such a mess."

The dig is at the beginning of the quote. And I typed it right from the book.
There was no reason for that to be said. He could have just commented on how people are more alike than we realize, but instead he said that and I don't think it was appropriate. That kind of implication and nastiness just makes people close off to what he was trying to say. It's also an implication that the President or Americans don't think about what goes on outside of their country. I take the "they would recognize" as Americans since he seems inclined to just name our President.

What about terrorist organizations...Muslims and Jews....Mongolians and Chinese....etc etc. Why doesn't he name any of these people? Why doesn't he say they should just realize how much we have in common. I agree with the sentiment, but I don't think the finger should be sqarely pointed at one President.


The book was great. I think it's good to have the dvds and the books. The coffee table book is great also. I do have to agree, that as much as I love Ewan and all his works, I didn't much care for his comment about the President of the USA. That could have been left out. I hate to hear ANY celebrity politics. As for the writting of the book, it says Ewan Mcgregor, Charlie Boorman, WITH Robert Uhlig. So I would think he took their diaries and helped write the book, which is fine. Lots of books are written that way. Excellent reading and great pictures. A lot of books are more detailed then a movie, so it's always great to have both.


I think you're misinterpreting that a little bit.

It's "**the likes of** President Bush" that "they would recognise" is concerning. Meaning, I suspect, "Bush and his supporters/allies." It's not a direct dig at Americans (or anyone else) in general. I seriously doubt McGregor would take a stab at an entire nation of people for being closed minded while concurrently writing about how people should be more open minded.


Well said

It’s not a dig at the people of the USA, but merely an observation of Bush & his cronies as a whole. It’s an appeal for the reader to acknowledge that there is more to life than what at the end of one's own garden.

Lets face it, even if he was having a dig at Bush he wouldn't be far wrong- the man’s a bumbling idiot.


I have reread some of the comments about Ewan dissing Pres.Bush. and I have to agree with EMME30. I really respect Ewan and love all of his work, but I still say he shouldn't have said that about the President [and the Pres. is not a bumbling idiot] I think Pres. Bush is a very caring man and maybe he tries to do TO MUCH to help the people of the world. He gets blamed for everything that goes wrong. I don't want to know celeberities politics. It's like when one goes to a concert and pays big bucks, I don't want the performer to tell me his politics. Let them pay for a spot on TV or write an article. I didn't come to the concert or show to hear them spout off about what they think,[that goes for award shows too] and when I buy a book, I don't want to read any of that also. I'm hopeing Ewan didn't really mean it quite that way, and maybe it was the person that helped write the book putting it wrong. It just doesn't sound like Ewan. I have never heard him express himself about politics before, but then I can't read everything he has ever said. Anyways, EMME30 expressed the subject very well. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people that like Pres. Bush and it is disrespectful to call the President names. I wonder if Ewan knows, that when he wrote that the President doesn't care about the people of the world, that it would upset people reading it.The world is in a mess because of a lot of reasons and people, not just one person. Yes, most people of the world are the same.Loving and careing for their children, needing sleep and food, but there is a lot of bad people in the world also, and you can't blame a single country's President for all that goes wrong.Bad things have been going on for years, not just sience Pres. Bush has been in office. Well. enough of that. I really did enjoy the DVD, the book and the coffee table book. Still love Ewan and his work!!!


"I think Pres. Bush is a very caring man and maybe he tries to do TO MUCH to help the people of the world."

Thanks for the hearty laugh. Ewan is most certainly entitled to present in a diary or journal (that in fact follow the context of the documentary) his opinions of world politics, of which many people may share or despise. And I don't think that he's afraid of the latter. It's okay to have different ideas.



So what!! President Bush is an idiot from the get go.

Best man or the vice-president shoots at his buddy. Oh Yeah, real good for all of the world to hear.


Furthermore, at the last President's conference in the House of Reps, the man has made many a comment to make him look like he is glad that 08' election isn't coming soon enough.

The Media even made comments at just this kind of speech that the president was almost laughing. Plus the fact if you are intelligent enough, you all can read between the lines that there is nothing between Dubya's ears.





I had seen some eps of the mini series when it was on TV years ago- and I just watched it via download... so needless to say, I just ordered it officially, and I just ordered that book, and "Long way Down" of them biking from Scotland to I think Southern Africa...

Looking forward to it! :)


I actually bought the book for my mother when we kept missing this on Sky 3. [Shame it took so long to get shown on the BBC...] I'll have to borrow it and give it a read... I suppose books and TV shows are very different media... In a book you can be more honest, whereas a TV show - particularly if it's for a commercial channel - has to be reasonably successful as far as getting ratings, being attractive to people who might want to advertise during the breaks, etc. Though, having said that, it does seem very dishonest to make out the trip was so free of tensions if things did get unpleasant on a regular basis.

I just got done taming a wild honeymoon stallion for you guys.


Reading it now, and have to agree with you about the fighting, etc.

You really don't sense the amount of tension as you get from reading the book. Also, Charley comes off as more of a moody prick than he does in the series.

Claudio actually is portrayed better, and is complimented more in the book.

I'm going to finish it, but feel that the series is more enjoyable. At times in the book, I'm wondering why they're even bothering to finish, or if they'll stay friends by the end.

Some background information is nice, but maybe some of this should've been edited and/or rewritten. Almost makes me feel like the series was edited to be a bit of a sham, when you know what they each were thinking at certain points.
