MovieChat Forums > Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie (2004) Discussion > WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR YOU YU-GI-OH FANS ...


omg! Why the heck cant you all realize that Yu-Gi-Oh is a copy off of Pokemon! Why the heck would you go after a copy and not even look at the original! Try as u might to say its not a copy but i doubt it would had came out if pokemon hadnt. Not to mention the show is a pretty bad copy of pokemon to. All they do in the show is duel and fight some evil weirdo with some pieces of paperboard cheap monster cards. at least pokemon is more realistic, they are like animals. But yugioh monsters are in cards and everyone goes around wasting their time playing a pointless kiddy card game. How the heck can a card depend on the future of the world? C'mon now! Even the Smurfs makes more since this crap. I dont care if you talk about me or say something negative, thatll be my punishment for telling the truth i guess. Oh, and, most of yugioh fans were pokemon fans, hmmm i wonder why!


If you're going to bash Yugioh you may want to do your research first.

1. The YGO manga was out a year before the Pokemon anime.

2. YGO was never supposed to be about the card game but fans wanted it that way.

3. The cards in YGO are based off of real monster from the past called Kas. These monsters are real in both the Doom and Memory World arcs.

4. The card game has nothing to do with saving the world. The main goal of the story is to find the other Yuugi's memories (aka Yami/Pharaoh Atemu/Whatever the dub is calling him these days). Only twice is their purpose to save the world. Against Dartz in the Doom/Doma arc and against Zork in the Memory World arc. Dartz and the Doom arc aren't even in the original story so really it was only Zork they were trying to save the world from (along with recoving Yami's name and his memories).

5. With the exception of ONE duel there has been no dueling in the original since April so I fail to see how the show is nothing but the card game.

These facts have been stated numerous times before on this board. If you had bothered to do some READING you would have known that.



Yes but we're talking about the shows. The Pokemon game and the Pokemon anime are two different things. (sarcasm) Although its been a while I can't remember Ash being in the original game (/sarcasm). The Pokemon show created its own story from the concept of the game (ie capturing Pokemons and fighting them against each other). The Yugioh anime on the other hand gets it's story straight from the manga so they are the same.

As I said in my other post and what myself and others have said numerous times on this board, the card game was never originally supposed to have a main part of the story. Takahashi-san has said many times that Yugioh was originally supposed to only be about games and the life of a teenage boy (who happens to have an alter-ego who's a game master). The card game (originally called Magic and Wizards) was only supposed to be a one shot thing like any other of the games that appeared. FANS however loved the card game that Takahashi-san created so he incorporated it into the Egyptian background that was already in place.

I have seen both shows and trust me they are nothing alike.


digimon is a rip off of pokemon.
duel masters is a rip off of yu-gi-oh!


The only difference between Digimon and that Digimon didn't suck during its first series...and some of the second... Pokemon the show has sucked since day number one...and Yu Gi Oh is the worst of them all... Its retarded how every episode he has new cards in his deck that he can explain to make him win...sheesh its so annoying.


i so agree with that! i never realy watched digimon! it was kinda crap and was just another version of pokemon! but i do love pokemon!


ilikeshinythings274 <--- If you did the research you would know the digimon tamagotchi came out BEFORE the pokemon games did....

Duel Masters is more based on Magic the Gathering then Yugioh.

Do your research before you go shooting your mouth off.



Why would fans want their favorite cartoon to be nothing more than the card game? I like Medabots but nothing but robattles would be boring, a good story is needed.

This is like asking a Transformers fan: "Do you want annoying kids in Transformers". Of course they do not. Most Transfans hate the kids in the shows.

I have seen a few episodes and basically every duel I have seen follows the fame path. Good guy get his/her *** kicked then with a huge stroke of luck get the card (s)he wants and turns the tables.

I studied card games and only if you have a really crappy deck you will lose like that. If you are unable to fight the deck your opponent has (for instance in Magic, due to it being focused to beat your color) then you will lose.

I know a magic player that competed in tournaments and he often saw people who had a green color deck because that color happened to have really good cards. So he went to that tournament with a deck capable of defeating a green deck. Needless to say, those people did not stand a chance.

And even if you got a "winning card". the chances of drawing it are very small. But in Yu-Gi-Oh, they always seem to draw the card they need. Sounds like cheating to me. No one can be that lucky.

That and the corny dialogue makes this one bad cartoon. I prefer Medabots which may also be a rip off. But at least it is not so predictable. Metabee may have the Medaforce (the most powerful Medabot weapon ever) but even that does not always work.

I recall a good number of times when Metabee got his skidplate kicked. Never saw that on Yu-Gi-Oh. Then again I only saw a few episodes but those were more than enough. Man, is this show BAD!



Yugi also lost to Joey on one of the last episodes of Season 3 here in America, but the duel is not shown. The only proof of this is that the prize was the Red Eyes B. Dragon that originally belonged to Rex Raptor, won by our blond friend Joey Wheeler, lost to a Rare Hunter, then won in a duel with that same Rare Hunter by Yugi Mutou, which is now in Joey's possession. All of these shows - Medabots, Yugioh, Pokemon, Digimon, Duel Masters, etc. - are different and even with subtle similarities are disparate in their plots. No mimicry was done to create any on these shows.


Um, what? The manga wasn't about the cards at first, right? So it shouldn't matter if the story of Yu-Gi-Oh pre-card stuff came out before Pokemon's anime, considering the Pokemon games came out in 1995.

If anyone wanted to know the Japanese air dates --

Pokemon: first aired April 1, 1997
Yu-Gi-Oh first series: first ared April 4, 1998
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters: first aired April 18, 2000

Whee. Digimon came after Pokemon as well.. I think sometime in 1999.


That's true. But Pokemon and YGO are still very different and the card game was introduce very early in the manga but it just did not become as important later on.

Magic & Wizards (aka Duel Monsters) is nothing like the Pokemon video game nor the "game" in the anime where you capture Pokemons to train them. M&W is a parody of Magic the Gathering. Not Pokemon.

You can easily replace the card game in YGO with another type of game and you would still end up with the same story. But if you cut out the Pokemon battles out of Pokemon then there goes the show.



I fail to see how Duel Monsters is a rip off of Pokemon. In Pokemon you go around gathering Pokemon and battle them one on one. Duel Monsters on the other hand has a long history that was developed 5000 years ago using monsters called ka. Over time these kas gradually became trapped in stone tablets, then in the present day the stone tablets were used to design a lot of the monster cards for Duel Monsters. Duel Monsters however is more then just two monsters battling it out. You have trap and magic cards and need a stratigy using the three types of cards to have the best outcome to win the duel. You also have to take into consideration things like sacrificing your weaker monsters for strong ones. Now I'd admit that the original 'game' using kas is very similar to Pokemon (except in some cases you actually try to kill your oppoinent) but the card game is actually quite different.

The shows are also very different as well. Although the dub of Yugioh is hacked to pieces there is actually a good story and plot in the original. Unfortunately I have never seen the original Pokemon anime (I don't even know if the show is still on the air) so I don't know what has been altered in the dub of that show, but I know enough that I know the two shows have completely different plots (ie in Yugioh there is no travelling around trying to find rare cards).

Just because 4Kids (bastards) decided that Yugioh would be the next fad to replace Pokemon does not make it a rip off. Duel Monsters actually reminds me a lot of a card game that was out years ago when I was younger but for the life of me I can't remember the name of it. I also remember a Star Wars card game being out when I was young that is more similiar to Duel Monsters then Pokemon.

The biggest thing to remember is if you took the card game out of Yugioh then you'd still have the same story which is trying to find the Pharaoh's memory (It would just happen a lot quicker because you wouldn't have 224 episodes of the anime an 344 chapters of the manga) but if you took the Pokemon battles out of Pokemon there goes the story as the story is all about Ash becoming a Pokemon trainer.


uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmm to anwser some of the quetions in the court

1. yes pokemon is still runnig [why dont they just do a whole new cast a new begingi or altanative universe]

2.duel monsters does stink it a rip off

infortany im to lazy think anymore


I know the dub of Pokemon is still on but it was the original I was asking about because I've been unable to use bittorent lately.


Do you even know what the definition of Rip off is?


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


The fact that you know so much about this subject is most disturbing.

Pokemon and Co is into making mony with long lasting commercials they happen to name "Episodes" in other words, the Cr.p parents let there kids watch.........


Shae Lynn!! i couldn't have said all that stuff better myself!


Thanks, but all I did was speak the truth.

I could care less if people don't like Yugioh because I know its not for everyone (plus I love having good debates with people). But when you're going to a board and say why you hate such and such you should at least do your research on the subject or else you're going to come across as an idiot.


Unfortunately, most of the people visiting these boards have very little interest in having intelligent debates about anime. In fact, only a few people bother to look beyond the 'light anime' shown on British and American television and realise that there is (and always was) more to these anime than pushing products to the 8-to-12-year-old market.

Real life example: I was planning an anime slideshow in school, and I was looking up pictures of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Some other girls looked over at what I was doing, and then mocked me for looking at 'pictures of Pokemon'.

I crap you not.

Seeing as they were in my year (making them 15), I allowed myself to laugh sardonically before getting back to work.


Hey, well. I noticed that. I care. O_O And actually, I do watch both Pokemon and Yu-gi-Oh, thank you very much. *cough*hater*cough* Anyway, e_e, I do care. And Yu-Gi-Oh is not a pretty bad copy. It's actually pretty much the same.
Yu-Gi-Oh has the same idea. Battling. Animals in Pokemon, and monsters of cards in Yu-Gi-Oh. The monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh used to be real, but suppressed in cards by the Pharoah Atem, who, yes, has to save the world, because with the 3 eypgtian god monsters, and the puzzle with which Yami carries, can rule the world with ultimate and unbeatable powers. And yes. When I was little, I was a Pokemon fan. Pokemon is more of a children's show. Yu-Gi-Oh in a way is, but is much more complicated, and advanced than Pokemon, and in Japan, was and still is concidered an adults show for sexual references, cussing, weapons, and goryness. So, yes. You are partially right. Goodbye, now. Hope you feel better knowing the /real/ truth. Later..






What the hell are you thinking, cheap? You might be right, but Yu-Gi-Oh came in 1996(card game) and pokémon RED & BLUE came in 1998!!! Search here in imdb!!! POKEMON is a copy!!! I'm fan of pokémon too, but because of YU-GI-OH!!!!!
Now share up, donkey cheap!!!


*beep* hell, how the *beep* is yu-gi-oh anything like pokemon???!! Please excuse my language but people like you really annoy me.



I cant believe they got to makin a movie
wtf life is so confusing

reply old are you guys?
dont forget Yugi-oh appeals to children, think back to a time when you too were children and could buy into any crap the tv throws at you.
the chances are once you people get older and revisit Yugi-oh you'll be wondering what you were smoking as kids...actually save yourself the heart break dont revisit heart was broken when i rewatched transformers.


1. You're weird Running Out Of Dimes. My friends and I always fondly look back at shows we watched as kids including Transformers (now that new Transformer show thats on the air is heartbreaking, ditto for the new Heman show). The shows kids watch today are total crap from what I had as a kid.

2. Yugioh is meant for teens not kids. It always gets a 'T' rating (for the manga and the upcoming DVDs that will be released next month) and the show is on in the evenings.







Umm . . . there really hasn't been a lot of dueling lately so I don't know where you're getting your information from. The current (and last) duel is only the second duel since April.



Ah well, I like watching anime/cartoons every now and then and I'm 20, I don't really care what others watch, I'm not gonna act like a twit and tell them what they like is crap, no offence but thats kinda pathetic, don't like them? don't care? then stop caring about other peoples views :)

I never bothered reading any long messages (patience isn't one of my virtues, at at times neither is spelling) and seeing them about an anime is kinda strange but seeing lines and lines of people complaining about storylines and how unappealing it is to them is kinda scary (what a world...what a world).

Anyways I like yu-gi-oh (unfortunately along with everything else I watch it is the slightly american version, eh don't care) if the movie sucked then....okay.
P.S I was a huge fan of transformers and heman when I was younger, yes the new versions are complete crap. Also if I were to watch my old favourite cartoons chances are they wouldn't hit the same cords that they did when I was younger, because I have changed, doesn't mean I wouldn't like them anymore.
P.P.S Only register to say this cause I'm stuck at home (island just north of the southpole not australia but a state (island) of australia, tasmania look at an atlas and understand my pain) but I do believe what I say and it does pain me to think some people are willing to complain about entertainment and even about what other people like, kinda disturbing if you think about it, small subject yet people can still complain tsk tsk tsk.........cya




Okay, I read the title to this little post. And it makes me think 'Why is it so hard for people who aren't fans to go around annoying fans when they don't know the true story and have yet to see the original?'

People all over America and the UK claim that all anime is like Pokémon and in some cases, say it's a rip-off of it. For Yu-Gi-Oh, the only things which are similar are that they were both dubbed by 4kids Entertainment, and that both are currently heavily monster based.

To be honest, I feel sorry for any anime dubbed by 4kids. They bring complete crap to our TVs and call it good. Yu-Gi-Oh, if you stupid people haven't got it yet, was never meant for the young kids that it was aimed at by 4kids. I have yet to see the original, but I am being open-minded and not shuning the original for what those bastards at 4kids did to it.

Maybe you don't like anime, but some people in the world does outside of Japan, and if you don't like it, fine. Just don't make complete fools out of yourselves trying to get people to see it your way.




I wasn't talking about you Serpant, I was talking about the less intelligent users that users like Kilamenjaro has to deal with on a daily basis.




1. It's too hyped up. I tend to dislike anime when it's hyped up and has no real strong points.

Yes the hyped asspect is annoying. As a fan of Yugioh the best thing for the series would be for the fad to die so that only us serious fans were left.

In a way it's a blessing that the original anime is over next week, because no one over here in N.America will know about Yugioh: Duel Monsters GX which is replacing the current show. Therefore serious fans will be left in peace and not have haters and people who watch it because its a fad bothering them all the time.

4. Last and not least, the dubbing. It's really the American dubber's fault for me hating Yugi oh since the dubbing is damn right awful. (actually, isn't it Canadian dubbing since all of this is recorded in Canada?)

The dubbing for Yugioh is indeed horrible. You said you found the characters annoying, while they aren't in the orignal. Many of the characters that I find annoying in the dub I like in the original.

As for who's responsible for the dub. You were right the first time in saying it's the American's fault. 4Kids is an American company so they are the ones responsible. I never even knew teh show was recorded up here but if you are correct on that it is because it's cheaper up here to do recording then to do it in the states.


I agree, the Yu-Gi-Oh! dub is horrible, but without a faster connection, it's all the Yu-Gi-Oh! I've got.

What's worse, is that 4kids are taking over from ShoPro on the next season of Rockman.EXE for dubbing, the Axcess season.

Duel Monsters GX? I never heard about it before, can you give me some details?



To be fair, your word choice and poor proofreading are a pretty good indication of things in that department. The original version really IS a bit deeper. It'd help if they hadn't started things outside of Japan with Season Two. That's one reason why it makes so little sense.


Dude, I admire your spirit. not your material, but your spirit.


*sighs* let's just clear stuff up.

1) Violence
2) Porn or sexual implication
3) Occasional cussing, but all anime has that and it's not really "cussing" in Japanese.

1) Violence: How many children's shows do you know in which the main character plays the "Kill you opponent with only one finger" game? Or the main character uses a 20,000 volt stun gun on gang members, plays Flammable Spray-Paint tag, plays Explosive-in-a-Test-Tube-wedged-in-a-puck-of-ice-over-a-hot-griddle table hockey? The fact that Yuugi actually psychologically traumatizes, severely maims, and even KILLS people without batting an eye kinda shows that the 8-12 audience is NOT the ones who should watch this. Of course, these examples are all from the original series, which I will admit was infinitely times better than Duel Monsters. But even Duel Monsters isn't for little kids; many of the duels are life and death (i.e. if you lose, we'll cut your ankles off with a spinning circular saw, you'll fall 20 stories to your death, we'll tie a cannonball to you and stick you in the ocean, etc.) 8-12...I don't think so.

2) Porn: Yuugi and Jonouchi are UBER PERVs. They trade porn videos with each other, and it's hilarious to see Yuugi's eager, excited face when he gets a new one. Anzu's fan service; so is Mai... even the Duel Monsters are fan service because like HALF THE FREAKING FEMALE CARDS (ok, more like 10%) are nude or very close to it.

3) Not really worth addressing. I mean, "Kuso" usually translates as "*beep*" but it's more of a "dammit" anyway.

As for ripoffs...Yu-Gi-Oh came first. And Tajiri Satoshi has had his idea for Pokemon since he was a little kid. If we want to say anything about ripping off, say that YGO ripped off Magic. Cuz Magic and Wizards was actually a PARODY of Magic, but the stupid then-fans liked it too much.
Besides, if you think that something ripped something else off because they're similar in any way (i.e Monsters and battling=ripped off) you have another thing coming. Monsters and battling has been around since ancient times, with weirdness in old mythology and crap. Just because two things are similar do not mean they were ripped off--if there was a ripoff, there would be intense copyright battles. Anyhow, because ALL artists take ideas from others at some time because no one can be completely original. As long as differences exist, there will ALWAYS be similarities. My suggestion: quit being so blind yourself and get that through your head, or you'll end up looking stupid. With that kind of outlook, EVERYTHING looks like it ripped off EVERYTHING else. Picasso ripped off ancient Egyptian art because both purposely decided to abstract the human form. Riiiiiiiiiight.

Pay attention in your high school humanities classes.

