Did anyone else not like Lydia??

I own this movie and have seen it many times and really like it. But as many times as I have watched it, Lydia never bothered me until this last time I watched it. Carmen’s dad bugs me as it is for not telling Carmen that he was living with his fiancé and that they were getting married. That really irritates me almost every time I see this movie, except this time, Lydia bothered me. She stole Carmen’s dad away from her. Like when they were going to play tennis, did she not know that Al was going to play tennis with his daughter and have some father/daughter time when she asked if he could stop by Paul’s game?? Then when she found out that they couldn’t have her precious wedding at the church they had intended to have it at, she comes crying to Al like a spoiled drama queen. Now, I could put myself in her shoes and if I found out that the church where I wanted to get married was suddenly not available, it’d be stressful. But couldn’t Lydia have understood that Carmen does not spend much time with her father and just let them be to have some alone time together or did everything have to be about her?? Probably the latter by how she acted. I rightly don’t blame Carmen for being upset during that tennis match she had with Paul and I really don’t blame her for throwing that rock through the window after she came home from running off at the dress shop.
Although I will say, that despite Carmen’s feelings towards her father, I’m happy that her friends made her go down to South Carolina to be at her father’s wedding and I’m glad that she and her father made peace and during the wedding, Lydia took Carmen’s hand when she walked up front, like she was happy to see her, even though she wasn’t dressed properly. For Lydia, it would seem that Carmen and what she was wearing to the wedding wouldn’t have been perfect enough, but she was still happy, so as I’m thinking about that, I guess some of my bad feelings towards Lydia have gone away, but I still hated it when she totally blew off Carmen and her feelings that the fact that Carmen wanted to spend time with her dad, without Lydia or her blonde-haired children.



umm are you like 12?? how is ANY of that her fault??? albert didnt tell her, an dno she obviously did NOT know they were gonna play tennis!

also wth does her kids being blonde have to do with anything racist?


I didn't like her in the first book, but then I felt really bad when I found out she was dead in the 5th book. In the movie I liked her more.


Because blonde is a race.


I didn't like her either. It's like this one person was ruining her perfect looking life.

Her dad seemed selfish too. He has his own daughter. But disregarded her feelings. I thought him not trying to look for her was wrong.
