dvd release?

does anybody know if this movie will be released on dvd? i caught the first movie in 2000, but missed this one- i love the show and would really love to see the other movie


I have it on dvd. I burned it. I put the the first part of the movie on youtube.


your going to post the rest rightt?? i didnt see this movie either! thank you so muchh!


Anytime. Things are a bit hectic with Christmas right now. I'll try to post more after Christmas.


I cannot find the first or second part of the movie on youtube. Could you post the link? Thanks!


where is the movie in y ou tube im trying to find it. can some one tell me where to find it on.


Yeah or is there anyway to post it on my or facebook? I wish they'd either finish posting episodes on in2tv or hurry up and release everything on Dvd already.I'm tired of waiting.
