MovieChat Forums > Supercross (2005) Discussion > Finally, a cool action movie for generat...

Finally, a cool action movie for generation X!

Wow! looks like this movie has HOT new actors, a growing and exciting sport, and an inspiring story line. Sophia Bush and Cameron Richardson are HOT! Can't wait for August 19th!


This movie is going to be an insult to the sport. And anyone who rides or is involved with supercross knows this is going to suck. I can picture it now, crappy acting, cheesy story, and a complete knock off of what really happens in the AMA.


hmmm....I wonder why clear channel who produces all the THQ supercross events is behind this movie 100%??? I wonder why Clear Channel and THQ decided to allow Supercross to be filmed at an actual race in Las Vegas? I wonder why Honda decided to sponsor the movie??? Maybe you don't know who Sophia Bush, Cameron Richardson, Steve Howey and Mike Vogel are???? You must now be a real fan of Supercross. Don't you know anything about entertainment? I guess not.





I am a REAL racer who is REALLY a writer. I say give the movie a chance. No trailer ever summed up a good or bad movie. We have seen Rocky done a million times, on the football field,the golf course, anywhere, why not on a motocross track.

Dream on Bros.


First off Generation X was a looooong time ago. And there is no way anyone who isnt a die hard motocross fan should see this movie. If this was a documentry I would understand. But this is just a tired premise. Young kid has something to prove. But if you really want to see this movie let me save you 2 hours of wasted time. Kids dad dies, he wants to win this race(most likely for his father), throw in some fists fights and titties, kids beats evil rivil and wins the big race, all is well in motocross land. Throw in a montage somewhere and you got every movie ever made in the 1980's. And the chick is so cliche. "Oh i'm a girl racer and no one takes me seriously, but im gonna go and have sex with everybody". Please. So in conclusion this movie belongs on a cracker because its so cheesy.


maybe you haven't seen Sea Biscuit, Million Dollar Baby, or even Rocky???? Every movie or theatrical has a protagonist and antagonist. Without these, there wouldn't be a movie or even a story. People go see movies to feel good about themselves, to laugh or to be entertained. Dude, you need to chill off a little bit. Looks like you just wrote a script for a an awesome movie. Maybe you should give hollywood a shot??? This movie won't break records, but I think it will do alright cuz its different and targeted toward the right market.

Also, have you seen the X-games? I think "X" refers to generation "X" and the trends that made generation X so popular. Duh!!!!!


First off you are comparing this to a true story, a unique idea, and an old movie. And the protagonists in those stories were underdogs. You need a character you can root for. From what I've seen in the trailers i dont see why I should care if this kid wins the race or not. Like i said, if you are a motocross fan you'll love the hell out of this movie, otherwise I dont see people really getting the movie.


I think the protagonist in supercross is an underdog. why in the hell would they create a main character in a "race" situation that you wouldn't root for. What you posted doesn't make any sense whatsoever! I think whoever saw Days of Thunder got the movie, whether or not they knew squat about nascar. I think whoever saw Seabiscuit got the movie, whether or not they knew squat about horse racing.

why am i even wasting my time......????



no, i don't work for the company, and not a schizo, for your information. I've been to a few supercross events, and its an exciting sport. A sport that not enough people know about. This movie is going to do nothing short of draw more attention and more fans to the sport. Did you see Days of Thunder? Tom Cruise....hmmm....isn't he one of the best looking actors alive right now?????I think Sylvester Stallone is a pretty handsome guy, too. This is a movie. People go see movies to see good looking people act.

Why am I even wasting my time trying to explain to you the obvious? BTW, the next time you post on IMDB, make sure your commments make some sense before you embarass yourself again to the rest of the world, okay?


I don't know much about Motorcross, but I did go to high school with Ricky Carmichael (RC) and I know that he wouldn't put his name or face in a movie that he thought was going to degrade his career. All he has ever done is Motorcross. There is a reason why he is The King of Motorcross. Because he's that good ...if you have a genuine true passion for something would you put yourself in something that would make fun of it? It's definitely not for the money .. he has plenty of it.



you went to high school with Carmichael? Thats way cool, dude. What kind of student was he? DId he play school sports of was it all moto and nothing else?
I have interviewed him many times on teh ppodium an done of the things that get sto me about his is his humility. He is a very humble man and a good role model for young sports fans. Comes from a family that made many sacrafices for him (his dad once sold his precious Harley so the kid coudl go do a big Amateur race in Ponca City OK. When RC won his second title, he bought Rick (dad) a way nicer Harley for his being there for him.


"no day but today"


>People go see movies to see good looking people act.

>Why am I even wasting my time trying to explain to you the obvious? BTW, the next >time you post on IMDB, make sure your commments make some sense before you >embarass yourself again to the rest of the world, okay?

Why are you making up reasons for why people see movies? Do you actually know people who say "I don't know what this movie is about, but Tom Cruise is in it so I'm gonna see it!" who aren't 14 year old girls? If you do that's pretty damn sad.


Guys, norilobotomy has a point... 8-)

it is an interesting sport and deserves a movie 8-)


Actually, "Generation X" has absolutely NOTHING to do with the X-Games and the term pre-dated the X-Games by several years. I could be wrong, but I believe the term was coined by Douglas Coupland as one to describe the generation of baby-boomers' children who were coming into prominence in the early '90s. Those belonging to Generation X are in their early to mid-30s right now and are hardly this film's target demographic.


what does Ricky have to do with it? people know that even the sport of supercross had been degraded by all the 'extra' things that have been added to the events. Years ago it was just good racing, but now cheerleaders and that other *beep* goes with it. Racing now is all about parties, beer, and sex.


C'mon Kawasaki dl,

cut us some slack. I am old enough to remember when one person per year DIED at the Unadilla GP or national in New Berlin NY. My last event there before the Robinson family put the 'family' back in family fun, I actually took a semi-automatic rifle to the event with me... that's how worried I was about s*** happening to my then pregnant wife. They held the weapon until the end of the event and no one got stupid on us but damn, it was like a survival retreat.

I remember people getting killed by drunk southerners who didn't give a damn about motocross but only the party of it blowing up M80s in porta cans, kllling the occupant inside. I remember big pickups rolling over in the soft grass overnight and killing people in sleeping bags below them... it was insane. It was like the Brando movies, all wild and crazy and now that we have shed that image, we are doing all we can to show people this is a family sport where 'tribes' travel from all over to do battle and bring honor to the tribe.

There are way more families going to races now than single dudes...
The 'extra stuff' between heat races give the track workers to maintain the track, the consessions time to sell food, and the racers a chance to catch their breath. Try to see this stuff from the insider's POV. They do their best...
MX rocks,


Finaly someone that knows that this little teenybops running around are NOT in fact Gen-Xers...sorry to disapoint the 14 year olds. Later


X stands for Extreme.


Actually, the X in X-games refers to eXtreme....not generation X.
And the XTREME stuff thats so played out, its more of a generation Y thing....


"Finally, a cool action movie for generation X!"

Your joking right?


Gen X'ers are in their early 30s now.


I feel the need to reiterate something that 5 people have already posted...gen-x'ers are in their 30's now Ill have you know.

...sorry, I needed a sarcastic release for something I see far too much :-P Dont mind me.



Gen·er·a·tion X ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jn-rshn)
The generation following the post-World War II baby boom, especially people born in the United States and Canada from the early 1960s to the late 1970s.

So techincally, the lowest age for the generation nowadays is turning 26 this year.



"Wow! looks like this movie has HOT new actors, a growing and exciting sport, and an inspiring story line. Sophia Bush and Cameron Richardson are HOT! Can't wait for August 19th!"

You sound like a studio shill, so shut your mouth. I looked up your post history and all you do is make blatantly lame positive comments about a movie you've never seen.

You, sir, sound like a press release. A lame one at that.




Generation Y? I guess you're the tail end of Generation X. Whether you consider yourself a gen x-er depends on your outlook I guess. It's not just about when you were born- it's how that time period shaped you. Growing up in the shadow of MAD, the ME-generation, Reganonmics, etc. I know alot of young people (younger than 26) who consider themselves generation x although I have no idea why. My best guess is that it's cool and hip to attach X to things today. But for the record, I can't picture any Gen X-er saying "Sophia Bush and Cameron Richardson are HOT!". That sounds more like prepubescent teens to me.



Herro! Me a flucking molon.

What a gay little anime jerkoff.


Hey, I pulled this off a website that explains the who's, what's and why's of Gen X. It's long but very indepth. skip ahead if you don't care about the Gen X debate.

How did we get this name, "Generation X," anyway? Blame Douglas Coupland of British Columbia, Canada, for one. It was also the name of a British Punk group in the 1970s featuring 1980s soloist Billy Idol.
In a 1995 interview, Coupland denied any connection, saying: "The book's title came not from Billy Idol's band, as many supposed, but from the final chapter of a funny sociological book on American class structure titled Class, by Paul Fussell. In his final chapter, Fussell named an "X" category of people who wanted to hop off the merry-go-round of status, money, and social climbing that so often frames modern existence." -- Whatever you say, Doug.
When Coupland wrote his book in 1991, the phrase was picked up by marketers desperately seeking a name for the "generation without a name". Of course there's been much wrangling about this term, and many other names have been offered, not all of them complimentary. The term "slackers" comes to mind. Other popular terms are "Thirteeners" or "13th Generation", which come from a book by Neil Howe and William Strauss called "Generations", in which we are listed as the 13th generation of the USA since 1620.

Who exactly IS Gen-X? This question is in hot dispute. In the mid-1980's the Gen-Xer's had been labeled "Baby Busters", due to the low birthrates of the 1965-75 age bracket. Demographers noticed as early as 1966 that the "boom" was over, and began planning and budgeting downward for this massive change from the "boom" in births between 1946-1964. (These "Boomer" dates, by the way, have never been in doubt nor have they been doubted or tampered with by the media.) Today, however, many people lump those born in the years 1961-81 together. Why 1961? Despite being Doug Coupland's birthyear, it more likely began with the Howe & Strauss book "Generations", which used those years. The 1961-81 years are also being accepted and popularized by media like TIME magazine, which has used those years in a Gen-X cover story. The years 1965-79, 1964-82, 1960-1970, 1966-1977, and 1970-1983 have also been used in articles on Gen-X, but these all seem very arbitrary, and as you can tell, are all over the map, demographically.

So, What IS a "Generation", anyway? A generation, loosely defined, is a group of people who can be, 1) demographically identified by biological trends and 2) have shared experiences. These are the basis for my belief that the 1965-75 timeframe works best, since the 1961-81 years do not reflect birthrates as well as the 1965-75 dates do, and it's really a mistake to try to see 40 year olds as having the same shared experiences as 20 year olds who barely remember who Ronald Reagan was! (HOWEVER: It's been argued that Boomers born from 1946-1958 see themselves as separate from later boomers. That's certainly legitimate, but both groups fall in the same BIOLOGICAL generation. The 1961-1981 dates are purely cultural, and are not biologically correct, and I contend that they should not be used - but see the "comments" section of this site for some spirited discussion on this issue.)
Do we have a Generational Identity? Just like most Boomers weren't pot-smoking hippies, most Gen-Xers aren't "slackers". Most are decent, pragmatic, creative, strongly independent, self-reliant, and hard-working. We have a surprisingly good work ethic - including a strong sense of company loyalty, as long as it's reciprocal - and we want to get ahead, even though we aren't as concerned with the trappings of "success" as earlier generations were. However, we're very concerned with financial and emotional security. We're hopeful that the future will be good to us, but we're also shockingly realistic and honest about the struggles we're going to face in a rapidly changing world of diminishing resources, an elderly society, and a culture dominated by, and designed for, "Baby Boomers".

Then what's the 1976-81 crowd called? "Generation Y" comes to mind. (Or is that,"Why?") Also known as the "Baby Boomlet", because birthrates went up again in those years, what the media often mis-names "Gen-X" are the "grunge" kids that would be as alien to a high school campus in 1985 as we would have been in at high school in the 1970s. As a side note, it's ironic how this "Boomlet" group is being molded into little clones of the Boomers as they were in their youth, as if they were re-living their youth vicariously THROUGH them, which is, of course, exactly what's happening. The bell-bottoms, drug use, and even the revival of "folk" music- though most don't recognize it as such - looks and sounds shockingly similar, and it's not an accident. (Their young minds are being shaped to mimic Boomer's political and social values, too, but that's another story for another time.)





I predict less than $3 million at the box office this weekend.


Honestly, this movies an insult to the sport and those that love it. The trailer was enough to make me sick.This movie is just pointless drama thrown into a kickass sport.Typical of hollywood to attempt another motorcycle movie. I mean as if those two god awful street bike movies wernt enough they make this. This movie isnt worth the $8 or $6 admission.Heck I wouldnt watch this if it was free.

Give a guy a gun, he thinks he's Superman. Give him two and he thinks he's God.



"Wow! looks like this movie has HOT new actors, a growing and exciting sport, and an inspiring story line. Sophia Bush and Cameron Richardson are HOT! Can't wait for August 19th!"

Do I sense.... sarcasm? =)


haha. movie tanked. 'nuff said.


I can't wait for Sprint Car Racing: The Movie.


ahh, generation x is over. You know, like disco and the 60s.

Oh yeah, racing kids or pop stars on bikes or whatever this filthy movie is called, should not exist.



All I have to say is, generation X is not the target market for this movie at all. I think the youngest generation X-ers would be 26 or 27 by now...anyone born in the 80s is not considered generation X by any means...

and there was some guy who said that the X in X games stands for generation X. It is shorthand for eXtreme acctually, as in extreme sports.


oh yeah, the actors cast in this masterpiece are clearly Oscar Winning Material!!!

next thing you know you'll have Soopa Doopa Skataz: The Movie

I am Zim! Obey my Iron Fist of Doom!


Wow! looks like this movie has HOT new actors, a growing and exciting sport, and an inspiring story line. Sophia Bush and Cameron Richardson are HOT! Can't wait for August 19th!

You sound like a PR machine.

One final long should we two wait before we're one?
