More eXtreme Crap

this another attempt to capitalize on the extreme sports crap. which i dont even understand how Motorcross is a sport thats like calling driving a sport just sounds stupid. for people who have not seen the movie i whould like to sum the movie up for *beep* *beep* *beep* plot+eXtreme- intelligence=Supercross.

anyone who is a fan of this movie should be beaten then killed. because all fans of this movie range from 12-19 who live the eXtreme life style and this movie relates to them so much. you know the group of retards who went to your school and who never shut up about Dirt bikes. seriously if you liked this movie you should be tortured sodomize and killed plain and simple.


I can tell you've never ridden a dirbike because you dont know what your missing...oh yeah, GO F#@K yourself :)

"Motocross Is My Life"


Wow your a total moron and should probally go hang yourself by a bridge, you have no idea what your talking about and I would love to beat the *beep* out of you. You have no idea the determanation it takes to race or to even ride a dirtbike and I'll tell you I have been riding since I was 4 and it takes more determanation and heart then you will ever had you coward. You should kill urself for even making a post like that.


Hahaha, if it's so easy why don't you give it a try, I've got two 450's just waiting for you over here. I'll set you out half a lap we'll go just 5 laps, should take about 10 minutes max (really really slow) I'd be willing to wager, you won't make it two of the laps before you physically give out. Do a little research (since all you do is play on the internet) Motocross is considered the second most physically demanding sport, second only to soccer. Unfortunately the movie didn't begin to almost scratch, or even glance upon the dedication and work it takes to make it in the sport.


VORMMMMMMMMMMMMM i can ride on a bike sounds very demanding to me. right up there with breathing and standing up. a demanding sport is something like football now i respect anyone who can play that in the major's(besides CLF) any dumb *beep* can ride a bike.(PS:if you talk about your amazing dedication to riding a bike with a motor in it you should be killed i am sorry you are just to stupid to live i also bet you spell this like "Dis" and live the Xtreme life style.)

Fate had us meet as foe's but this ring shall make us brothers


VORMMMMMMMMMMMMM i can ride on a bike sounds very demanding to me. right up there with breathing and standing up. a demanding sport is something like football now i respect anyone who can play that in the major's(besides CLF) any dumb *beep* can ride a bike.(PS:if you talk about your amazing dedication to riding a bike with a motor in it you should be killed i am sorry you are just to stupid to live i also bet you spell this like "Dis" and live the Xtreme life style.)

oh, how I wish I could channel the feeling of Arm Pump through the internet and into your forearms.


My question is -- How does it feel to be less physically demanding than soccer stars?!?!?


Ignore this guy. He's just a troll.


The original poster is making himself look like a total idiot. I have never ridden a dirtbike (found the video games to be fun though) and even I know it's not easy. (I didn't know how physically demanding until today but...) I guess he doesn't realize that you have to control a bike that despite its lightweight appearence and construction probably weighs at least 40 lbs (help me here guys?). You have to convince it to go the direction you want it to IN THE DIRT (or sand or mud) and I know that that's no joke, especially when turning. And that's leaving out the jumps.

Nearly every muscle in the body is tensed and contracted in an attempt to control the bike beneath you. Your legs, from thighs to calves, are gripping the bike just so you can stay on. All the muscles in your back, chest, and arms are focused on gripping the handle bars. Your neck muscles have to keep your head under control. This all happens on a straightaway -- no turning, no jumping. Maybe an actual racer can describe what happens to each muscle in the body in a turn or a jump.

And why would you think something not physically demanding would not make a sport. Why, then, is golf a sport? Or pool? Does something have to be physically demanding to be a competetive sport? I always thought something had to involve actual skill, not how much you got beat up in the process. And winning at motocross definitely takes skill.

Oh, yeah, and driving IS a sport: It's called the Indy 500, NASCAR, Drag Racing, and Formula One (and I may be forgetting a few).


Hey i'm a girl and may not live the 'eXtreme life style' as you say but i know that supercross the sport is totally cool. i love it, because ever since i saw this moive i decide i wanted to go to see the real sport and now i'm in love with the sport. And i know that it takes alot of work to ride a dirt bike unlike you(which is sad) because i have my own. and the moive wasn't that bad and if you thought it was then why'd you watch it in the first place. and everyone i know how rides dirt bikes don't spell this like 'dis'.


I was one of those idiots who never shut up about dirt bikes. Couldnt afford one in high school but the type of people we are, all of my friends let me ride theirs. Today, I am a championship winning amateur racer, journalist for several national motocross newspapers, and had a column in at least 3 papers before I started work on a movie script...yup, about motocross racers. "Racers Edge" will do for motocross what Fast n Furious did for import tuner street racing...only the father/son story will get even the parents to come see it.

So, dont rag on people who are passionate about something, I am living proof that love (for anything) can conquer all.

Have a nice life Grif00 :-)

"no day but today"


it's a sport


Here's something that you need to look at.

As someone who races motocross, I will agree with you though in the fact that this movie did suck.
