Worth checking out !!

Originally this trailer collection was given out FREE at Borders Books when you bought any Something Weird Video release. Not all SWV films are created equal though and my guess is that somebody bought one of their milder selections and when watching this free sampler of more typical Something Weird fare ( if there is such a thing ) their tender sensibilities got offended and this collection was BANNED ! You can still get it though ! I love me some freaky movie trailers and I wound up paying about $15 on eBay. My only regret is seeing it for a lot less ( under $5 ) in Best Buy a few months after my inital purchase. Long live the weirdness !!

I know YOU are but what am I ... Infinity !


Yeah, I think I paid $1 or $2 for it at Best Buy. It is... odd to say the least. I remember seeing a few of those movies growing up, though they basically ranged from barely tolerable to absolutely hideous.

Still, I'd pay a couple bucks for 100 trailers of any kind on a DVD.


It's a great collection of trailers, even though after awhile you get tired of hearing the hype about "prepare yourself for the most shocking film of all time" and the like.

I've even bought some of the movies after seeing the trailers, because two minutes aren't always enough.


I like compilations of this kind. Horrible Horror, Teror in the Aisles, Coming Soon, 100 Years of Horror etc. This DVD keep your interest for most of it's duration. If you enjoy shlock horror films and drive in dreak as I do, then I strongly recommend this.


There's no trailer for DEATH CURSE OF TARTU, even though the titular monster is featured not only on the DVD cover but the DVD itself! Oh well, it's a great compilation, especially since with a few exceptions (e.g. Terror in The Midnight Sun, Basket Case, Godmonster of Indian Flats) I wouldn't watch most of these movies at full length even if you aimed a flamethrower point blank between my eyes!
