Snooze Fest

I am currently watching this on Blu-ray but as you can tell I am so bored I came on here to see what rating it has. Anyhoo what a boring film, not sure if I can even be bothered to let it play to the end.

Alright sir, you take the blonde, I'll take the one with the turban.


Wow... what does it take to entertain you?



Pretty lame post.

How about waiting for a film to end before commenting? By coming here during the film, you're not paying attention, hence, inclined to not like it even more b/c you're missing information while surfing.

It's okay to dislike a movie, but either watch it all or simply shut it off. You can't multi task with CHAOS. There's lots going on in the 1st half that come into play in the 2nd half.
