MovieChat Forums > The Big White (2005) Discussion > The Big (Fish) White (Oleander)

The Big (Fish) White (Oleander)

Kind of an interesting matchup for Alison Lohman. Besides Matchstick Men, she seems to flock to Big/White movies! Looking forward to this one, and any other Lohman movies on the horizon. Such a cutie!


ahh!! true tru!

Edward D. Wood Jr.


Although here's a thought: Alison has not previously starred in a film containing the word "the" in the title before, inexplicably, so I think we can safely say she's stretching herself to new areas.



Ah yes, the guy with the subconscious black & white Hollywood Porn video collection. (I don't often get to say that, so I'll enjoy it while it lasts).

I'm glad someone appreciates my posts. Most people treat me like a wise-cracking jerk. The jerk part I can take, but "cracking"? Please! I'm a person and I have feelings. Some feelings. Occasionally. In my left foot. It still hurts when I step on something sharp, though.

In regards to your question, no, they don't come instantly. I read a post, then I go away and think about what a witty reply would be. I sometimes go for a short stroll while I brainstorm some ideas. I then write these ideas down in a list. I have a cup of milk, then I come back and choose the best idea(s) to include in my reply. I then write up a few rough drafts, just to see how it might look on screen. After that I write up a good draft and show it to some of my friends, who are into writing comedy novels. If they like it, I'll then write up the good copy. Once that's done, I type it up on the computer, make some spelling and grammar corrections, and finally post it.
By this time the entire thread has usually disappeared and I've ended up wasting several days of my life.

Seriously, I really only think AFTER I've posted my reply. I black out for several minutes and suddenly wake up, thinking "Hang on, what the hell did I just type? And where are my pants?"

Speaking of which...

I don't need a compass to tell me which way the wind shines.



Really? I've only got a "Friends" List. Why didn't I get a cool people list? Bollocks! You'll have to do with that for now.

I don't need a compass to tell me which way the wind shines.
