looks good until....

you actually see the actors! in the trailer it is very good up to after it says "to haunt us". does anyone agree?

"Lisa, Vampires are make-believe, like elves, gremlins, and eskimos." - Homer Simpson


That's 'hunt us', actually ;)

And no, I'm quite pleased with the cast.


i think it looks awesome regardless.


I'm sensing cheese! Although it's always a hoot to see Paul Gleason in anything!! Judging by the trailer, you see too much of the creature. Wish it was kept more under wraps to increase suspense & curiosity. Sort of like the madman in "Madman" (no laughing, I know it's dated flick) but you didn't get a real good shot of him til about 3/4 way thru the flick.


yeah, i know what you mean about the "unseen" being far more terrifying... especially if the budget doesn't allow for a very good monster costume, but i'm still excited about this movie. i like cheese-horror almost as much as scary horror, so i'm still game for this one!


Thats funny you mentioned budget & monster costume. If you follow the legend of Bigfoot at all then you will know about the Patterson film. I laugh when people think it is a fake because even in 2005 we still get cheesy monster costumes, but people are willing to believe that someone could have actually created a costume that looked that good in 1967?!?!? Roger Patterson was not wealthy at all & even if someone could have created such a good costume, he would have never been able to afford it.


Some people actually compare that to the movie Planet of the Apes, saying if it can be done there, why couldn't Patterson and Gimlin do it?

Have you ever seen the costumes in Planet of the Apes? They're so much different and not life-like compared to the creature in the Patterson film.

You're absolutely right.


I saw a TV program about theat footage. It was a bit grainy, so the gorilla costume thing could have been a possibility, but they said the way the creature was walking in the footage was so unnatural, that it would have taken a lot of practice for an "actor" to have faked it. Something about a starnge rhythm with the legs and arms swinging in different directions that what is normal for human ambulation.


You're right, that's why I liked the first trailer better :)
