Up to our eyes in lies

I like Danny Schechter's good-natured, self-effacing humour, his whole disheveled demeanour. It's all very deceptive, because behind it all there lurks that rarest of species: a brilliant journalist with integrity and principles. (C'est possible?)

Schechter is a courageous war correspondent, a former ABC reporter who decided he had endured enough bullblip and sought truth for a change. In this film, Schechter shows us enough lies to last America for two lifetimes. The only complaint I have about his film is that it's perhaps 20 minutes too long.

The fact that Fox News is now more popular than the other 'Big Three' networks is frightening enough. But listeners actually believe Fox's endless lying, and that's terrifying. Let us now all praise that cuddly Nazi Joseph Goebbels. His famous dictum ('If you repeat a lie often enough, people will begin to believe it') is alive and doing very well, and thanks for asking. Oh how we've progressed since the glory days of Hitler.
