Unrated version

Does anybody know if there will be an unrated version? I loved movie, i'm glad that some one had the courage to do a movie with latinos. I'm tired of always seeing blacks and chinnesse as the minorities in films. We are the biggest minority and yet hollywood hasn't acknowledged us. I've read some of the comments here, and i think that is a great movie and is hillarious, my favorite character is the horny teenage Cesar. I read in the comentary that they were forced to delete some scenes by the censors. Specially one where he was with the girl and the sperm falls in his mouth and he has to swallow it, it would have been grossly funny. to see it. :D

anyway i hope we can see the unrated version, also i think on the f-taco scene, they cut something. i hope i here more about this, and the saddest part is the the guy pablo santos hasn't done much after that.


When you say Latinos which Latinos are you referring to? Are you aware that there latinos of European and African desent? Some that even look Asian? Two Asian women were in this movie? Did you know that. Don't insult Latinos by thinking that we all have to look alike. Be specific please.


I mean hispanics, genious


yeah - i just recently checked this one out and it did have me laughing - i wasnt too amused with the whole donkey thing - i wish they would of added some deleted scenes on the dvd



Unfortunately, you won't be seeing much of Pablo Santos because he is dead.
