MovieChat Forums > The New World (2006) Discussion > i don't want to live on this planet anym...

i don't want to live on this planet anymore....

the things said about this film on these boards are so baffling i literally just punched my laptop. the stupid hate on these boards, plus the 6.8 score, easily make this one of the most underrated and misunderstood films on this site; probably ever, actually. and it isn't just misunderstandings and people bashing the film, its the complete fvcking idiots. look at what this poster said:

"The editing was a bit annoying, during conversations it seemed to be all over the place, the cuts seemed to be random and pointless. :S"
"The music drove me mad at the end! When she was running around the garden to the shots of America, it was so repetetive and loud it was a relief when it stopped."
"To me it was like a giant perfume advert with shots of them running and then looking back at each other"

uasgfuwesdijfgi. the music was apparently driving people mad. thats vagner. " das rheingold", one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written, regardless of whether it's in "the new world" or not. a lot of complaints about the editing too. an entire thread dedicated to it which has some of the stupidest things ive ever read on any board. the editing is absolutely amazing. revolutionary, almost. it isn't important why i think that, the point im making is that people actually watch this movie, finish it (or not) and then say those things. how am i the minority with this film? the hate for this film is as baffling as the holocaust. ill never understand it. yet "the dark knight" is an 8.9 after hundreds of thousands of votes. i just punched my laptop again.


I understand your frustration. On the other hand, if the masses can't or don't appreciate the beauty and nuances of this film, it's their loss. I feel a little bad for them personally, because they are missing out on a great movie experience. Of course they in turn may feel a little bad for me because I just don't get the appeal of, I don't know, Armageddon or The Terminator or what have you.

Mostly I'm just glad that films like The New World get made on occasion. It's the kind of movie where I can truly say my life is better for having seen it.

To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best.



I do love me some Terminator too though hah.


You worry too much. About silly things.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


relax dude


ill try. but im seriously contemplating suicide.


think of all you have to live for!




Don't even contemplate it. Enjoy the movie, enjoy your life. Don't let anyone take that away from you. Fill your life with the things you love. Don't allow the idle chatter of others to get inside your head. You sound like a beautiful, sensitive person. Best wishes to you.


This was the second worst movie ever made,but I can say you idiots that watched the whole thin need to get a life.Ironically after 1/2 of nothing I realised the only film as stupid and wasteful was-get ready for it-The Thin Red Line-so as i returned the dvd I got a huge laugh whenI realised it wasthe same director.LSD could not have made this thing interesting.You guys are idiots if you think this is a good flick!


Generally slow paced movies are marked down. I loved it.


Please don't spread your genes with others. I don't want future generations infected with your stupidity.

Thanks in advance


i find it interesting that this poster (mboisselier04) has only two posts. one hating The Thin Red Line and the other hating The New World just ten minutes later.

is there some kind of 'we hate Malick' fan club out there somewhere?

"We deal in lead, friend."


It's true, why do so many stupid people like you seem to gravitate to LSD? For the illegality factor exclusively? Some smart people take it for sure, and kind people, but then there are lots of dumbasses that seemingly get not an ounce of new perspective out of it. I find it troubling.


i feel you bubba

"rage to exist..."


Why do people get worked up trying to argue over a Malick film. They're incredible divisive films, every single one. The idiots aren't those that loved it to death and think others are dumb, or the people that hated it and call the ones that love it pretentious, the idiots are those that can't understand how films like his divide audiences to polar extremes. I've never met anyone that said a Malick movie was just ok, they all either say it's a work of art that showers over you, or it's a slow, boring mess.

If I watch a really entertaining movie, I sometimes don't understand how some people could find it boring. But when someone hates a Malick movie, I can absolutely understand why.


I agree completely. Was blown away by this movie.

One of those movies that if you hate it, we're not going to talk about movies.


no...the film is wrong


This isn't related, because I haven't seen the movie (Why am I reading this board then? you ask. Good question.), but it's spelled 'Wagner', with a 'W'. In German, 'W' is pronounced as 'V', so it sounds like 'Vagner' but is spelled as 'Wagner'. Go forth and share your new knowledge with others.
