Is this a good movie?

I know that might be a strange question but I have recently been taking an interest in the life of Pocahontas (the all too short life I should add) and of course, love the Disney movie.

However, I had never ever heard of 'the new world' until searching portrayals of pocahontas.

Is it accurate? I saw some abysmal old movie and the acting was awful! (the legend I think it was called)


I don't generalize something as "good" or "bad", nor do I expect another to make a decision based on a simple answer to that question. I watch out of curiosity. This film does give a different perspective not seen in many other films on the same subject, be they old or animated, so it's worth watching but don't expect a simple plot and three-act structure. That's not director Terrence Malik's style.



It's excruciatingly slow. If you can handle that, then yes, you may find it to be a good movie.


Ummm....OK, you are interested in the life of Pocahontas and want accuracy and love the Disney movie. Well, that's a curious combination. I suggest you watch the film "Reel Injun" (on Netflix streaming) for some perspective on Disney's portrayal.


It's Malick's best. So of course critics would love his inferior work, like Days of Heaven and Thin Red Line, one of the worst WWII films ever. His slow, digressive style doesn't work most of the time, but it works brilliantly in The New World. A fluke, I am sure, but there it is. You feel like you are there, and not a lot of history films can achieve that. Also, the actress who portrays Pocahontas is so charismatic and brilliant that one can see why she made the impression on the English that she made. If you can take the pace, and like I said it works in this film, then this is probably the only great film on this topic you will ever see.
