MovieChat Forums > The New World (2006) Discussion > the critcal people just don't get it ...

the critcal people just don't get it ...

I'd recommend to just hold your breath (a.k.a. opinions) the time it takes to view this movie; or all the other movies ...

Take your expectations apart and get ready to make an experience that reflects back on you and to what you think you are.
And you will get the most possible pleasure out of this film.

What is the mission/function of art?
Be it movies, music, fine art, story telling ...

There is a line that goes from the first cave paintings unto the latest CGI's.

Films are mass media. They need to be because of the expenses involved.
I dearly wish that this would not be the case; I am sure that we would see amazing films that are not being executed because of the payback but because of the need to do them ...

And for heavens sake, there are a few directors (!) that are able to make it through the money making system. People who do films not because of 'getting famous and rich' but because they have something to share, something enlightening to tell, something that helps to make to world a better place.

I find Malick is one of those guys. I am very very thankful to be able to share his films, he makes me feel like a 'compadre' of humanity.
There is something in them that is touching deeply the human existence and reflecting that back in a pure way.

I dig Terminator and Alien and Bond too, because they also tell me something about who I am or who I want to be ...
But these are in no way comparable. In no way. Malick just diggs deeper and finds some things that is way beyond mass mercantile culture.
Things that go further than your textbooks.

And really: If your are able to put your attention marked by 'how things have to be done' away for a movie time, and become witness of his story telling, following his proposals, I am sure you will find something to be astonished ...

Critical thinking is an important value, but maybe it is not so critical when it redirects you into the machine thinking that you are trying to escape from, that directs you to 'how things have to be done' ...

'The new world' is just about that: what a clash of cultures between the europeans and the indians (mistake: they are not indians);
The gestures of communication alone are way beyond, what a pleasure.

I am pretty sure that the encounter was not how it is depicted in this movie but still there are a couple of doors that help you questioning, imagining. Doors that are opened by Malick, not closed with effects of typical crises that are to be expected in moments like these: fights, blood, victories ...

Thank god (or whoever) to have movies like this, movies that are not washed away by the industry, presumed to not fit the 'market' ...


Very well said.
