Which should I get?

Never seen this before and want to buy it, which version shall I buy the normal one or the extended one?



Good question. Are you a Mallick fan? What is driving you towards being interested in this film? I am a Mallick fan and a fan of the histiry genre so I am getting the Criterion when its on sale.

If you have not seen it, maybe pickup the standard edition and see how you like it. Non-Mallick fans tend to complain about the pace of his films. This I believe is because we have been weened on MTV video type fast editing and lots of cutting and very bold in your face narratives. This is not what Mallick films are about.

Can this really be the end..to be stuck inside of mobile
with the Memphis blues again.


I've only seen The Thin Red Line but I like the look of all his films, he tells his story by images not plot or character.
I'll probably pick up the standard edition then see how I get on with it

Thanks :)
