General Overview

I just turned on the TV today when I got home from work and found this charming movie on a Christian channel, which I usually avoid because of shouting preachers. But I kept watching and was intrigued by the lack of commercials and also the fairy-tale character of Grant. It's like something I would write, I think. But anyway, I came in at the part where Grant sees Missie through his surveying thing and thought it was so romantic how he found her, and he was so witty and charming and had really good lines.
I thought the characters of Missie and Grant were rather bland; being a stage actor myself, I didn't see any of the inner character in them. They were simply playing the part. The only two characters I thought were truly believable were Marty (ie?) and Clark; but they seemed to be older actors and therefore had more experience. I thought that Nate's character was good as well, but it's hard not to love a tall, dark, and very handsome young man with a perfectly adorable smile and just the right amount of mystery.
I also didn't like the frequent and sudden blackouts.
Was this made as a series? Because it felt like it.
Also, the pace was extremely fast, and there was no sense of the time that passed. It seemed that Missie and Grant's meeting happened seconds before the accident, and then Nate came along and soon the two were obviously in love.
I've never read the books, so I should hope that the author puts more detail into conversation and actually setting up this romance rather than thrusting the two together and creating some romantic situations.
I was pleased though with Missie's denial of Grant. Though his complete turnaround from charming and pleasant young man to sly, womanizing braggart was too sudden. They should have made this movie longer. Basically there was a lot missing that should have been put in, or left in.

Nate was bloody adorable, the acting was so-so, the pace was too fast, and the scenery was beautiful.
Oh...and Nate is gorgeous, if I hadn't mentioned that already. Very cute...handsome...adorable...beautiful...fantastic...adorable...*sigh*
And I'll never meet him.
