MovieChat Forums > The Dark Hours (2005) Discussion > How much of a ripoff of Death + The Maid...

How much of a ripoff of Death + The Maiden is this?

If this is basically like an unofficial remake of Death & The Maiden I sure as s hit dont want to see this.

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Since you seem to be asking a genuine question, rather than trying to offer a rhetorical statement in your thread topic, I'll do my best to answer.

This isn't even close to a remake, unoffical or otherwise, of Death & The Maiden. About the only they share is the fact they take place in an isolated cabin, with a small cast.

Death's plot (sorry if no-one here has seen it yet) centres around a woman's accusation that a passer-by who asks them for help is actually the doctor who tortured her whilst she was a prisoner of a corrupt banana republic goevernment. In an effort to prove to her husband that she's telling the truth, and to try and get a confession/apology from the man, she holds him prisoner and does terrible things to him. Thing is, by the end of the film you're still not completely sure if he IS the Doctor she claims he is, or not...

Dark Hours is quite different, in that it looks at guilt on a much more personal level. None of the characters involved in this film is entirely blameless (depending on which interpretation of the film you choose to follow), and the concept of reality is also fluid, leaving you to question what is 'really' going on. It's true that, on the surface, the victim in this is a doctor and the instiator of the torture/extraction of the truth is one of her ex-patients... but beyond that, expect something quite different.

Hope this helps your opinion as to wheher you want to see it or not. Just out of curiosity, though... if it HAD been a remake, what would have put you off? That someone had done a crappy remake of a great film, or that it's a copy of a film you already dislike?



Ill probably still give it a watch, but it does sound a lot more like Death And The Maiden by your description than you said it would. Im a huge Polanski fan so if it does turn out to be similar and no one noted Polanski's influence, yes, I would be pissed

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I think it's safe to consider this a homage to Polanski, rather than a rip-off... a lot of the imagery and direction reminds me of the way that things are sometimes played in his better films, such as Rosemary's Baby, Death & The Maiden, and Ninth Gate... the blurring of reality and illusion/hallucination, for one... unlike rosemary or Ninth, however, there is a more rational and down-to-earth explanation for what's going on.



OK. I appreciate you taking the time to help me out on this. Ill probably give it a shot

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