Should I be concerned?

I've just learned that Wil Zmak, the screen writer for this film, is going to be writing the screenplay for a film based on the novel "Headhunter" by one of my favourite authors, Michael Slade.

I've not seen this film that you're discussing here, but I'm wondering whether I should be concerned about him doing a bang-up job of it.

I'd just hate it if the book was all bolluxed up the way Paramount bolluxed up the Douglas Preston / Lincoln Child book "Relic".

"Klaatu Barada AAArrrggh - to" - Ash


Well, I have not read "Headhunter", but I have seen this film. The script is good. It is not your clear-cut hollywood story, but it is not just a wierd film impossible to understand. The pacing is good (should not only be credited to the writer, but there needs to be a story developing), and there are some surprises. The ending, well... it is open for interpretation (not too common these days when everything has to be pointed out, so that no one misses anything). I can really recommend this film, given that you not only like the Hollywood formula, and I think that you should see it and make up your own mind.
