MovieChat Forums > The Dark Hours (2005) Discussion > I hope none of my taxes went to the maki...

I hope none of my taxes went to the making of this movie.

Cause it was crap. I felt no compassion for any of these moronic characters. They just kept making me angrier and angrier with every passing moment. They had so many opportunities to get the gun from the younger guy. Then Sam actually had the gun and for some insane reason her husban punches her in the face. I mean, how *beep* ridiculous is that? Anyways. Absolutely horrible. I want my 6 dollars back.


You did realise that that sequence (and everything from the "younger guy's" first appearance and invlving either him or the ex-patient) was a hallucination, don't you? So none of it *actually* happened?

There's also some supporting evidnece for her husband's behaviour at that point. When she comes up from the cellar, it's clear that he's been severely traumatised by the beating Harlan has given him - he responds to nothing that Sam says to him. When she touches him, however, it snaps him out of it, and his adrenaline-fuelled reflexes instantly try to defend him from the latest 'threat' by punching her.

Still, as I said, it didn't really happen, so a 'real' explanation of wy he did it is immaterial.

As to your tax dollars - whether they went into making this film or not, your 6 bucks certainly did. Sorry.



It was predictable and poorly acted.
It's also very apparent that there are a few people on this board with ties to the film because they keep throwing the same lame statement in everyone’s face who tried to have an opinion "you just don't get it".

Spare us please. What is here that hasn't been done before. What great mystery do you think people don't get?
Part of what makes a movie great to me is the journey, not the outcome. This wasn't even a journey just some hacks attempt at filmmaking. I didn't care for the characters at all. It was poorly directed and spliced together with duct tape.

Now I know some of you feel you have to defend this manure because it's from your country, but please spare us with the "you just don't get it" crap.

You just don't get it? I just don't want it!


I agree with you kgu22.


I also think it was badly acted by all characters except the young boy. It was kind of interesting, the way it was wrapped up (sorta) at the end, but that conceit has been done better also. You're right...I didn't care for ANY of the characters. It's easy to go back and say "This doesn't HAVE to make sense because it wasn't really happening", but if you have a story that you want people to think IS really happening then having intellectual dissonances (why DIDN'T they shoot Harlan?) gets in the way of the movie-goer being completely immersed in the narrative, and later completely gobsmacked, by the ending.
