MovieChat Forums > The Great New Wonderful (2005) Discussion > Fox News Turds play politics with the mo...

Fox News Turds play politics with the movie rating

This movie has about 50% of its ratings as a 1, and 50% of the others is a 10. This obviously means that half-wit Fox News-watching turds have nothing better to do than drive the movie's rating down because they don't like the politics of one of its stars (and that people are posting reviews of 10 in response).

Then again, that is the same douche-bag morality that gave us the dirty tricks that won Bush his first presidential election, in 2004. Swift Boat ads a lot of crap? Who cares -- throw enough sh!t against the wall and some of it will stick.

They're the kind of amoral c^nts that brought us four more years of war and increased hatred and contempt for the US around the world. And it's not them who will pay the price out in stripmall hell when the next attack comes. No one wants to fly a plane into their nearby Walmart, the tallest building in their area.


You're a bright one. George Bush won his SECOND election in 2004. Genius.


So you admit that he didn't win his FIRST? That's telling.

Are you ignorant to the electronic voting machine corruption?

And are you unaware of Karl Rove's machinations that helped win Bush support on the hill through fear and dirty politics?

Have you not been reading the papers? If Bush has no problems spying on Americans using illegal orders, why do you trust that he won the last election on he up and up?

Are you so easily manipulated in all areas? I have some real estate you may be interested in...



You're the one talking about politics, I could care less what some dumb Hollywood actress said. But a post 9/11 movie that doesn't even mention the greater conflict at hand is so inherently contemptible that it deserves to be panned. Like I said before, could you imagine a post Pearl Harbor movie that neglected to mention the Japanese, FDR, Tojo, Nazis, etc!


" You're the one talking about politics...But a post 9/11 movie that doesn't even mention the greater conflict at hand is so inherently contemptible that it deserves to be panned. Like I said before, could you imagine a post Pearl Harbor movie that neglected to mention the Japanese, FDR, Tojo, Nazis, etc! "

So basically the climate of this country is, you can't say anything critical or make a movie that delves into politics without having the other side bash. That's understandable in these heightenedly polarized times. But when someone makes a great movie that is apolitical, and does not even have to do with the actual events of 9-11 except for those New Yorkers living in it's aftermath, they will get criticized for NOT making a movie about politics.

What exactly WOULD please you? If you want a crappy movie re-enacting and trivializing actual horrible events, their are plenty coming out of LA (see Pearl Harbor). The Great New Wonderful is not one of these, it was made in NYC independently, by New Yorkers, for New Yorkers and those from otherplaces that would like to examine and discuss the mindset of New Yorkers in the aftermath of 9-11. Hold your criticisms until you actually see it, I bet you'd like it.


The film is not about 9/11. It is about people who live in NYC in September of 2002. It is about their lives; how they've changed or haven't changed over the last year. No characters ever talk about 9/11.

These are a few dramatic films that deal directly with the events of 9/11:

"The Guys" with Sigourney Weaver and Anthony LaPaglia (Bill Murray in the stage version)

"DC 9/11: A Time of Crisis" with Timothy Bottoms playing George W.

"Rudy" with James Woods as Giuliani; culminating with the 9/11 attacks.

and most notably:

"The Hamburg Cell", a dramatic film with actors playing the 9/11 terrorists. It centers around the year leading up to September 11th. The film is told through the eyes of the terrorists themselves, attempting to explore the motivation for the attacks. It is scary as hell and undoubtedy fictionalized.



I am so tempted to say that Jakefree is simply an idiot. But I don't really know anything about him, beyond a few irrationally inflammatory postings, so I'm not going to jump to conclusions. He's the kind of conservative that makes the rest of us look like pricks. And I'm pretty sure that "first election" comment was in reference to Bush's loss of the popular vote in 2000.

As for the real topic of discussion, these filmmakers have no moral obligations whatsoever. When telling a story, one is allowed to do whatever he or she pleases. How can one create when there are too many strict rules and limitations?

Second of all, the movie is about people getting on with their lives. Believe it or not, there are people in this world who like to move on after a tragedy occurs, rather than fruitlessly dwell on how "serious" the matter is. Besides, 9/11 was almost four goddamn years ago.

It's funny how people are still stuck on the subject of the severity of 9/11, but have all but forgotten about the 150,000 tsunami victims just last summer. I think it's because there was nobody to blame for the tsunami. I also think it's funny that the average American feels more comaradery with a stranger who lives several states away, than with a stranger who lives several countries away, even though he or she will never meet either of these people.

I subscribe to a conservative belief structure, but my mind really is boggled by all this imagined community bullsh!t.


well, bush is just like his dad. elected to 1 term in office.
but you must also concider that there are those voting 10 because they argee with the politics.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams



What are you, one of those big picture guys? Try making a more coherent "big picture" next time, because you're all over the place.



i like this. i don't know what else to say but thankyou. it's true. huge love fest. so what you other folks done to contribute? the shrink in the movie took a good one to the head, others expressed themselves through creativity, or splinter and *beep* hearts, eitherway, they did something. i joined the military, and started my first business. I honestly can't blame the writers of this film for some uneducated muse and words she choose to spew at some film festival. Honestly the whole time i didn't have a clue what the movie was about, b/c it's one of many i've been trying to watch, however i did see the cues, i saw the connections, the pains etc... it was actually very good. let's just let the writers write, and keep the politics out of it. please. thanks.


I just watched this movie and have no idea why it is so polarizing. I understand why people are upset about MG's comments (I'm not thrilled about them myself), but does that have anything to do with the movie? Do people hate the Shawshank Redemption because they disagree with Tim Robbins' politics? The movie is about New Yorkers living in a post-9/11 world. It has nothing to do with who is to blame for 9/11. For the life of me, I can't understand why a liberal would be more (or less) likely to like this movie than a conservative.

I also have no clue why people are trashing George W. on this message board. The movie had nothing to do with him. The movie has nothing to do with the Iraq war. I, for one, hate partisan politics. Liberal rhetoric (i.e. complaining about the last two Presidential elections) and conservative rhetoric (i.e. anyone who critizes Bush is unamerican) all sounds the same to me. I can hardly wait until we get a new president (hopefully one not named Bush or Clinton). Maybe then we can discuss an interesting movie like this one without the conversation degrading into a partisan debate.

For the record, I understand why people dislike G.W.B. I'm not thrilled with him myself. I just don't know why people choose to bring it up in connection with this movie.
