MovieChat Forums > The Great New Wonderful (2005) Discussion > Nice Companion Piece to Shortbus

Nice Companion Piece to Shortbus

both TGNW and Shortbus show us how new yorkers are dealing ( or not dealing, as the case may be ) with the aftereffects of 9 / 11. some are handling it, some are not.

as of today december 2006, sounds like nyc is back on track as the $$$$ being paid out as bonuses and such on Wall Street and at the investment banks and hedge funds have never been higher and are setting records !!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank Gawd and Praise Jayzuz that new yorkers have snapped out of their post 9 / 11 funk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as for me here in the midwest, wouldn't bother me if washington d.c. or nyc were hit with a 9 / 11 almost every day - but that's just me.

and as for the whiny azz titty baby reaction of new yorkers to 9 / 11 - boo hoo hoo - you brought it on with your evil capitialistic ways - but sounds like you have not learned your lesson - so don't come crying to us when the next one hits. bawahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa

money money money money money
greed greed greed greed greed


Your astounding ignorance is appalling or maybe your just jokeing.

I hope one day y'all will be talking about my stories on this website.


Ha ha. Let me guess, you live in a trailer park and work minimum wage at a convenience store. Bitter at anyone else that has made any money. Guess dropping out of high school to work at Denny's wasn't such a good decision after all.
