Maggie has some nerve

As a native New Yorker and as a human being I am truly offended by what Maggie has been spouting about 9/11. This movie is supposed to represent NY at it's worst and yet in some ways at it's finest moment. For the first time in my life there was humanity again in NY, compassion. A sense of community. How dare this actress say that the United States in any way has something to do, by it's own actions, with 9/11. She should immediately be forced to apologize for her completely baseless and vicious claims!!


The following was posted to forum, and was sent to the TriBeCa Film Festival:

Has anyone taken the time to note this actress' appalling remarks at the TriBeCa Film Festival regarding 9/11, following the premiere of her film "The Great New Wonderful"? Here's the direct quote, as reported by [and as seen on WPIX-TV, New York, 4/25/05]

"I think what's good about the movie is that it deals with 9/11 in such a subtle, open, open way that I think it allows it to be more complicated than just 'Oh, look at these poor New Yorkers and how hard it was for them,' because I think America has done reprehensible things and is responsible in some way ..."

This young woman deserves the strongest, sharpest rebuke possible, not just by filmgoers - i.e., don't go to see the wretched piece of work -- but by all New Yorkers, especially those of us who were most directly affected by the terror attacks. I lived 4 blocks from WTC and lost my home that day, and was fortunate that I did not lose my life. Remarks such as hers are an insult to the memory of the American martyrs of that day, and as one who lives daily with the aftermath, I am disgusted, not only with her remarks, but with the lack of response to those vile sentiments by the mainstream media and by the organizers of the Festival.

Those of us who survived that day and who live with its consequences especially have the duty to express our revulsion and disgust with this woman's unlettered, ill-informed, and grossly insensitive statements to the Festival, and to demand an apology from Ms. Gyllenhaal, from the producers and creators of the movie at issue, and from the Festival for not immediately distancing itself from this individual.


Since my initial posting, Ms. Gyllenhaal has issued a statement that compounds her error and adds insult to injury. As a survivor of 9/11, I am incredulous at the studied intransigence of this immature young girl, and I urge those of you who share my outrage to visit and post to that forum, as well as your favorite Weblogs - and in addition, call the New York City Council and urge them to continue the pressure they have applied to Ms. Gyllenhaal's orginization for her to issue a true apology, rather than the mealy-mouthed, insincere nonsense she has already inflicted upon us.

Joseph Smith
New York, NY
[email protected]


"This young woman deserves the strongest, sharpest rebuke possible, not just by ...but by all New Yorkers"

Sharp rebuke huh? Like Shock and Awe type nonsense? Listen to yourself Mr.Smith (any relation to the evil hate-filled Matrix Smith?).

By all New Yorkers? Are you suddenly the Osama of New Yorkers? Calling a little micro-jihad again a beautiful American actress?

Double standards buddy, weak uneducated arguements and i bet it all comes from self-hatred.

You're the one still filled with anger and ego.

When does it end? When do ppl stop calling for Shock and Awe's on anyone without a status-quo neo-con viewpoint?

I'm so sick of these attitudes also I watched the towers fall too idiot and I'm perfectly fine with Maggie's comments


You have some nerve calling him an idiot. If you're fine with Maggie's comments than it's you who is the idiot. The only one responsible for 9/11 is Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist organization. How can you just stand by and allow this ignorant girl to defecate on the memory of 9/11? This has nothing to do with shock and awe. This has to do with respect for the memory of that day and respect for the country we live in.


I fail to understand how respecting the memory of that day and questioning how the US may or may not have contributed, in some way, to fostering ill-will towards our country that led to that tragedy are incompatible ideas. If, say, my father died of a heart attack, would it be disrespectful of me to inquire/reflect upon his eating habits, physical activity, etc. that may have contributed to his demise? Isn't there something to be learned from that event that can help me and my future generations live happier, healthier lives? It seems to me that to say Osama bin Laden and his organization are solely responisible for that day would be equivalent to me saying that my father's heart killed him: it is literally accurate, but inconclusive. And I feel it is ignorant and disrespectful of those who have died not to investigate further.


It's pretty simple actually. To suggest that the US, through it's own actions, caused 9/11 is simply untrue. France, for example, chose not to get involved with the Iraq war and yet they were still terrorized. Nothing the United States did would've warranted an attack such as that. Nothing any civilized country does warrants an attack on their innocent civilians. So you see, discussing America's foreign policy and stating that they could've done something to incite these lunatics is purely nonsense. Changing how this government works is simply bowing to the terrorists and giving them what they want. Our foreign policy is humanitarian. Even if these terrorists felt, for example, that we shouldn't be involved in their business it doesn't mean we deserve vicious retaliation. They waged war on us that day....unprovoked.


Who gave Osama and his followers the guns and the knowledge to fight?



Actually, there was never any denial about that. It is a fact. Don't be ignorant of the truth any more than you already are.


"Nothing any civilized country does warrants an attack on their innocent civilians."

There are two response to that sentence, the first is to ask whose definition of 'civilized' is the one we're supposed to go by? Your statement seems to imply that while we shouldn't attack the civilians of civilized countries, the civilians of uncivilized countries are fair game.
As far as the Taliban were concerned, THEY were civilized.
Now I'm not for a minute implying that they were. But then again I'm not for a minute implying that they were NOT. I am merely pointing out that your statement is rather ill defined and very open to interpretation.
It could, for example, be argued by some (not me) that America is uncivilized and therefore the actions of 9/11 were justified.

Secondly ...
Why did America drop nuclear bombs on two Japanese cities? Are you saying that Japan is/was uncivilized? Again, I know a lot of people around the world (and not just in Japan) would disagree with that.

Please note that I am not trying to justify any claims (from either side) about 9/11, merely trying to point out that your argument is fairly weak as it is extremely general.
Quite frankly, it amounts to little more than rhetoric.


What a bunch of crap. When carrying out foreign polilcies every country makes friends and enemies, it is unavoidable. Governments do what they can to benefit their people, usually at the expense of someone else. The Middle East is a cess pool of hatred, bigotry and violence, and has been for centuries. The only reason they are included in the interests of the civilized world is the oil reserves that happen to be under their soil, and thqat was discovered by, recovered by and purchased by the West. Without that they are nothing but a bunch of religious fanatics and primitives who are trapped in the 12th century.

The United States did not deserve 9/11 any more than any of the other western nations have deserved the wanton slaughter of their people by Islamic radicals and other nut cases from that region. They have waged war on Israel, the United States, each other and within their own countries forever. It's what they do; it's who they are. Clouds of war are gathering over the Middle East and spreading across the globe. The madman of Iran is on the verge of attaining nuclear weapons that he will use, or give to those who will, and you people are all busy trying to rationalize and justify the insanity of that God forsaken region and place the blame for their ruthlessness on your own country.

We Americans are the most generous people on earth and we have more rights, freedoms and benefits than at any time in our history. As for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they brought it on themselves when they attacked us on Dec 7,1941. It was their choice, and they made the mistake of attacking us when we still knew how to fight and win wars. We could take some lessons from that experience today, and we had better do it before the storm that is building hits.


It is ignorant to say US is humanitarian. True, US does help when the help will aid American interests, but look at its foreign policy in South America and even Iraq and all that area. Read some history books and learn than US is not that saintly after all. I respect this country for the good things it stands for but to say that anything it does is flawless that is not only ignorant, but it is sheepish. This is a democratic country and everyone has the right to question and hold the people selected government in check. Nobody is disrespecting the victims of 9/11 by questioning the deeper reasons of this tragedy (other than the ones that are spoon fed by this government). Let's realize that the reason we are different from any other country is because we can question decisions and thus influence change. Once we give that right up, we are no different than any other country in the world.


well said - I'm tired of people forcing others into one viewpoint, or the idea that questioning authority is wrong. Questioning authority is how the US was built (hello, Revolutionary War, taxation without representation). Perspective, people.


The U.S. is the most humanitarian country on earth. We are almost alone in the fight against starvation, disease and death in Africa, and do more against AIDS on that continent than all the rest of the world combined, and none of that is in "our own intersts." But what would be wrong with doing good in our own interests? Our governbment is there for United States citizens, not the rest of the world, and the people in other nations do not have some God given right to come here or be cared for by us.

We did more to assist the victims of the sunami in Southeast Asia than did all those who were criticizing our efforts, and are the only ones still there giving aid, and few of them have actually given what they promised.

As for South America, we have more or less left them to their own ends, and they have the governments that they want. The only ones that we have much to do with are Mexico and Cuba, both of whom are very problematic for us. We have every right to follow our own interests, and when they conflict with the interest of other nations we should do what is best for us. That's how world politics works, it is a contact sport with deadly consequences when mistakes are made.

I am sick to death of pukes in this country who have never had to struggle for anything in their lives, or make any sacrifices, declaring that complaining about their government is somehow indicative of their great patriotism. It is't. It is simple whining and complaining out of guilt for their good lives while much of the rest of the world goes wanting. We don't have all our rights and freedoms because of whining and complaining, they are the gifts of other people's sacrifices and hard work, and if we are to keep them we will have to make more sacrifices and work harder than before. The world is not a friendly place, and we are the bullseye in the targets of many of the worlds nations. It goes with the territory of being a wealthy country. Try to be more appreciative.


"It's pretty simple actually. To suggest that the US, through it's own actions, caused 9/11 is simply untrue" <followed by many logical fallacies>

That's not what she said, and I quote:

"America has done reprehensible things and is responsible in some way"

At this point, 4 years aftter 9/11 and with all of the data that's hit the e-waves, anyone who still believes that the US is not "in some way" culpable for terrorists attacks against us due to our poor foriegn policies in the mid-east is not ignorant, but simply a fool. That's how simple it is.

"So you see, discussing America's foreign policy and stating that they could've done something to incite these lunatics is purely nonsense"

Nobody is defending the terrorists methods and tactics.

"They waged war on us that day....unprovoked."

Unprovoked? You can keep telling yourself that, if it makes you more comfortable.

Or you can do yourself a favor and educate your mind. Read up on Saddam history and his early partnership with the US:



"To suggest that the US, through it's own actions, caused 9/11 is simply untrue."

So we were attcked because Osama and his ilk "hate our freedom?" They hate our culture, our movies, our music? Or is it because we are involved in things in the Middle East that we should not be involved in? Making yourself feel better by saying it was totally unprovoked is just denial. The USA is not 100% good and just, with generic "evildoers" that hate us because we are so very wonderful.

And yes I was in NYC for 9/11 and it was horrible and should not have happened. There are things we could have done to prevent it.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


"Even if these terrorists felt, for example, that we shouldn't be involved in their business it doesn't mean we deserve vicious retaliation." I bet Saddam would have a chuckle to read that.


well said - of course the American people didn't deserve to be attacked, but we all play a part in how our lives go. It can't be purely that people in the Middle East are heartless bastards, and people in the WEst are righteous, innocent victims. There is a big disconnect between these two parts of the world that is based on ignorance, lack of understanding, and compassion, and the only way to improve that is to work on that, rather than working on your condemnation.


I completely agree with you jrancher73.
I dont know what else to add to that.

But if we are so little-minded as to pity ourselves to the point of ignorance, then how can we ever progress and learn from our mistakes?

America isnt as innocent as you paint it to be. Its not infallible. But dont get me wrong. I still remember all the fund raisers, the overwhelming sense of unity, and how every single store was fresh out of American flags. But we have had our time to grieve, now i think we must start to learn from it and strive for a better future.



If you're fine with Maggie's comments than it's you who is the idiot. The only one responsible for 9/11 is Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist organization.

It's witless, self-satisfied comments like that which led to the total dearth of self-examination after 9/11, and as a direct result will lead to more attacks on NYC -- my home, so I don't want to see that. Neither does Maggie -- she's a New Yorker too (I see her in Central Park occasionally).

I could only shake my head and sigh at all that post-9/11 prattle in the media about why the attacks occurred. Yes, I'm sure it's because the attackers hate freedom. Sure, that's gotta be it. So they are not human beings with real (if very evil) motives -- they are super-creep arch-nemeses from a Chuck Norris movie! The response of many, perhaps most, Americans was to roll themselves up that much tighter in the flag and pat themselves that much harder on the backs, and every roll and every pat moves us another inch closer to the edge of the cliff.

Maggie was right. Your unwillingness to look at America and see what needs to be changed will be directly responsible for the next attack, and in that you are Osama Bin Laden's best friend and ally.


I agree with Maggie in every way. The United States has done horrible things to people in Middle Eastern countries in the past. People have always come to our country's defense when in need, so why is it so hard to believe that Muslims want to fight those who attack their neighbors? I don't think Maggie meant that all those civilians in NY deserved to die, but the US is so prejudiced against Arab countries and in a sense we really had it coming. Maggie is just trying to get people to see the movie and the actual event in more than one way.



"The only one responsible for 9/11 is Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist organization." sorta, maybe, kinda...gave Osama all his weapons and put him in power. so...yea.

and buddy, you obviously don't 'get' the first amendment. see, there is absolutely no logical delineation between you and me and miss. G. anything you say is protected only insofar as whatever anyone else says is protected. Your right to talk about Jesus is only safe so long as Ron Jeremy can make a statement (i.e. film) about sex. There is no difference. you want to speak your mind, then everyone else has to be able to as well.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams


Not everyone shares your gung ho patriotic viewpoint. Everyone loves their freedom of speach, but god forbid one should actually USE it to say something that hasn't been beaten into our skulls by Fox News.

What happened was terrible. I say this with apologies to everyone who lost a loved one on 9/11. That it THAT outrageous to suggest that the chickens came home to roost. No, it's not.


Are those fire fighters who died that day responsible? Are the all the innocent people that worked in WTC responsible? Are the people who were just WALKING to work, school, or home responsible? I take it you aren't a New Yorker, so you dont understand the grief that we had to go through. Yea maybe you WATCHED the towers fall on T.V. but you can't compare it to being there live! The only thing america is guilty of is being a free nation and some idiots like the "Lovely Liberal" Maggie Gyllenhal think that america is just so horrible. What she said was wrong, and screw the apology, kick her out of the damn country. Maybe the taliban can use an extra suicide bomber. I use to have great respect for this person, but not anymore. She thinks because she made a little movie about 9/11 she knows the hell she's talking about. Well obviously she doesn't and o god I wish i could just curse her out but I wont. She has no damn respect and she's an a**hole. In a big way. I'm done now.

remember your unique, just like everyone else!!!


That isn't what she said. Have you actually read her entire statement? She's not an idiot, nor is she a heartless 'Osama sympathizer.' I think it's extremely sad that, in this day in age, you can't possibly question your country's foreign policies without a multitude of people pointing their fingers and screaming "terrorist." I don't understand it. Does it actually make you feel like a better person to slander someone else?

NO ONE suggested that the innocent New Yorkers (and those in DC) who died on 9/11 were responsible for bringing about this catastrophe. As someone who lives in Manhattan and witnessed the disaster first-hand, I would be the first to be enraged over a person blaming the innocent men and women for what happened that day. But Maggie Gyllenhaal never did that. I think the basic problem here is that people don't know how to open their minds and listen.


"What she said was wrong" yes, you are obviously a TRUE American. you obviously completely understand that this nation was FOUNDED BY TERRORISTS.

What the *beep* do you think the Boston tea party was?!? I’ll give you a clue, it starts with "an act" and ends with "of terrorism".

This nation was founded by rich, white, slave owning men, who didn’t wanna pay taxes. Yes, there were the idealistic folks. But by and large, we exist because people wanted to dodge taxes. So don't pretend that America was even born in a noble manner. Now, that doesn’t make us bad, but it surely doesn’t give us the moral high ground in any situation.

Also, yes, as citizens of America, who have the ability (in theory) to vote and effect our policy, their (probable) apathy is responsible. And their poor decision making in electing leaders didn’t help anything. You and I ARE responsible and culpable when the United States does something bad. It is a democratic republic, of the people by the people and for the people. Ergo anything done by our government is done in our name.

Post Script: this is not to say 'they got what they deserved' it is simply to say it is absurd to claim them 'innocent'. none of us are innocent.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams


Reading your post, Movie-gal, then reading your signature at the end made me sad. Unique is lovely as long as they think just like you, huh? (by the way, it's "you're," as in you are, not "your." Otherwise you need to say what exactly is unique. Just a little grammar lesson for ya.)

Why is it that the ones who question are the ones who are "un-American?" And no matter what, if you have a problem with the current administration, their policies, or their party in general, then you are automatically labeled a "liberal commie." Nice. Maggie never said the people of New York, the firefighters, the policemen, the school children, the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, husbands and wives were responsible for the attacks. She was meaning our government and some of the questionable things we've done throughout our short history. And she's sort of correct. I mean, for one thing, we gave Osama and the Taliban weapons. Isn't that something we should questions? We give money to the government of Uzbekistan and they torture and kill (by burning at the stake!) anyone who does not follow their religion. Isn't that something we should question? Our government has been listening to our phone calls with wives, mothers, lovers, children, granparents, WITHOUT OUR KNOWLEDGE. Isn't this something we should question? To understand the nature of something, we must first ask questions about it.

I am neither liberal nor conservative. I'm pretty middle-of-the-road, which is what the majority of Americans say they are. The problem I have with the conservative movement is the hate and venom they spew if someone asks "why?" or doesn't agree with them. I just don't understand the attack mentality.

It's sad to me to think that our wonderful, free country is slowly becoming not so free. When someone cannot state his/her beliefs and opinions without death threats, curses and slander, then we need to have a serious discussion on what freedom means.


Oh my god, your intelegence is showing, it's your brain flopping around on the floor and making a bloody mess on my nice white rug.

Of all the ridiculous statements on this board, yours (Movie-gal) really takes the cake.

"The only thing america is guilty of is being a free nation and some idiots like the "Lovely Liberal" Maggie Gyllenhal think that america is just so horrible."

Come now, I just hope you mispoke here, please? I mean, America is not ONLY guilty of being a free nation, for god's sake, look at Vietnam if you need somthing blatant, but even now our country is guilty of horrible things. After 9/11 we had the WORLDS support, people in different countries all over the world gathered in vigil to our country. After 9/11 our government pulled the strings on us, depending on the fact of our own ignorance, and bombed Iraq. Our government afterward issued two statements, I wish is had the exact quotes. One quote was somthing to the effect that Iqaq was never suspected to be involved in 9/11. As we heard our president say that, there was no way of denying that our government played on our emotions, they bombed Iraq to put in to act a new foreign policy they had been waiting for the right time to put into action. Our president also issued a statement saying that all of our "smart missles" met with 100% accuracy of their targets. The absilute FACT being that in actuallity, not one missle hit their assigned target, the missles simply wern't that good. In FACT more citezins of Iraq under the age of 18 were killed in those bombings than over the age og 18.

Our government has lied to us, our congress has failed us, our contry is NOT innocent. By no means should we have had to endure 9/11, no more than Japan should have had to endure our countries ruthless and tyranical bombing of Hirashima and Nagasaki. I realize they, before that, bombed us at Pearl Harbor, these events just keep going further and further back, violence begets more violence.

Let me also pose a question on you, a very common one: Why are we in Iraq?


P.S. In short, Maggie Gyllenhal has just as much right to express her opinion as you do to rebuke it, thats our "freedom" you think is what we are "only guilty of" so respect it at the very last, or else to add to your ignorance and stupidity you are also a hypocrite, and you don't want that now do you?.


Movie-gal, I won't even bother commenting on how I feel about your post because you probably wouldn't listen anyway. What I would like to say, however, is that if you want other people on this website to respect you and your opinion, you might start by correcting the spelling of the word "your" in the quote at the bottom of your post. It should be "remember you're unique.." If there's one thing that really annoys me, it's people who claim to have something intelligent to say and yet don't know how to spell even the simplest words.



Hey the world a small favor. SHOOT YOURSELF

*Danny's not here Mrs. Torrance*



Yes, we are free to criticize our leaders in this country, while the Osamas of the world stone their critics to death.

The fact that our leaders are elected leads many in the world to justify terrorism against innocent civilians, reasoning that if the innocent civilians didn't endorse the policies of their leaders, the innocent civilians would replace them with leaders who better represented the will of the innocent civilians.

I don't agree with their conclusions, but I do find the position arguable.




The attacks of 9/11 were in direct response to US foreign policy. That policy was enacted by a government voted in by the people. You and me.

You and I can say, "Hey, we never do anything wrong." Or "America would never do anything wrong." "Richard Nixon would never do anything wrong. Bill Clinton would never do anything wrong." Or we can examine the list of Arab grievances and consider the possibility that, while we were paying attention to other things (watching NASCAR, gassing up our big cars, gossiping about famous people) our leaders were doing things on the world stage that were unfair and oppressive and filled some people with a justifiable rage.

Does this mean Americans killed Americans on 9/11? No. Does it mean we are "in some way responsible"? Absolutely. When you're the subject of a dictator, you can say you're not responsible for the actions of your leader. When you're in a democracy, unfortunately you are acountable. We, the people, pick the leaders, and it is we who will ultimately pay the price for what they do.

9/11 was brutal an horrific and wrong, and IT HAPPENED FOR A REASON. To not understand the reason -- to not even question it (as something other than "they hate our freedom") -- is to invite a recurrence.


we all have a right to a view of our own!


You are an idiot. That is not a piece of news; it's a piece of opinion work. it doesn’t even pretend to be reporting, look at the totally colloquial opening. a high school journalism class wouldn’t accept this as a news story. And I know news, between my 2 (now retired) parents; they have worked on 5 Pulitzer Prize winning news paper articles in various faculties.

Also, survivor? Were you in the towers? if not, shut up. You 'survived' 9/11 as much as I 'survived' hurricane Katrina; and I live in LA, not Louisiana.

furthermore, you didn’t even type up that form letter, so you’re just a total tool. And before you go labeling me some pinko liberal, note that I am a libertarian.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams


i don't know if someone already posted about this.....because i didn't feel like reading all the bull.

but this pisses me off...... animal j calls himself a "survivor" and yet from his website "At the time of the blast, however, I was traveling on the Connecticut shoreline where I grew up, preparing for new performance art projects in California...."

ok so what exactly did you survive?

i guess i'm a survivor too.


Mr. Smith
As you have probably already read on here the problem isn't with Maggie herself its with the whole American hateing left. These people actually believe the crap they are spouting about us somehow being responsible for these attacks-though I suppose you could say we are somewhat responsible for not understanding that the frist time they hit those buildings it was a declaration of war. No she won't apologize becuase like so many in our nation today she's believes what she's saying is true. Though I don't really understand how you could believe it. I fear for this country. Anyway I wouldn't waste my time worrying about the ignorant words of a Hollywood star. Considering the collosal amount of ignorance that comes from Hollywood we'd not have time for day jobs if tried to put pressure on them all. Anyway I know some of these words are going to be attaked but oh well.

I hope one day y'all will be talking about my stories on this website.


Part of the wonder and delight in being an American is the ability to have and share opinions. Maggie was sharing her quite common feeling that terrible tragedies bring opportunity as well as grief. By considering 9/11 to be a completely baseless event is to take away our strength as Americans, and to lead us in the direction of another catastrophic event.

Are you saying that there is NOTHING we could have done better to prevent terrorism from occurring on our soil? Read the testimony, read the facts, and look at the money that was diverted from terrorism protection procedures, and you will see that there are indeed many things we could have done differently to prevent 9/11 from happening. To say this is not to take away from the shock and grief that it caused. To say that we can use this event as something to make us more prepared in the future is responsible.

I am impressed with the community and love that poured out of this tragic day. However, I'm sorry that as an American, you are unable to view this event as an opportunity not only to connect the nation, but also as an opportunity to improve the way we protect ourselves.

Proud member of the World Peace Association


3,000 people died in on 9/11, yet no one could care less about the 100,000 Iraqi civilians who died in the Iraqi invasion, good going Arrogant America...



How about the millions that Saddam murdered? Oh, I see, we should've allowed him to continue to commit genocide just so you feel better. America did not kill 100,000 Iraqi citizens. Terrorists who continue to ignite roadside bombs on their own people killed them. America isn't arrogant but obviously you're ignorant.


I'm sorry, I wa trying to stay impartial while reading this thread, I really was! I've had several discussions about 9/11 and American foreign policy on these boards and I was trying to stay out of this one. I was interested in reading the views expressed here, sure, but I didn't want to get involved in another discussion.

But then you went and said this:
"America isn't arrogant"

If you ask people outside of America whether they think America is arrogant and I guarantee you that most people will say yes. And that's not just in the Middle East or wherever you might beleive the Bad Guys lives, that's worldwide.
Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and South America. They would all say that America was arrogant.

If you genuinelly feel otherwise then I have but two things to say to you:
Firstly, bear in mind then when such views and opinions are expressed it is generally in reference to the American government. So if you were referring to the American people then we are just talking at cross purposes so please feel free to ignore me. But if you were referring to the American government and its foreign policies then you are grossly misinformed.
Secondly, I suggest you read some independent literature about American foreign policy over the past 30 years (heck, make it thelast 40 years and get Vietnam in there too) to see quite why and how America has built up so much ill feeling throughout the world.


saddam didnt kill millions. no one ever even accused him of that!

but hey, there will be a few million dead if we wait any damn longer to do something about SUDAN! but no, we're to busy fighting an abstract noun.

also, you obviously have NO CONCEPT OF WHAT GENOCIDE IS! you are just throwing that term around for no particular reason. its like bringing up hitler...argument ends because no one will agree with hitler...hes, hitler! but you, are a fool.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams


What a painfully weak arguement. Right, American soldiers are systematically killing Iraqi civilians. We Americans could give two sh*ts about Iragis. Riiight. Lame. Simply lame.

MG's comments have about as much merit as someone saying the Jews are somewhat responsible for the holocaust.


no, saying the jews were responsible is a bit silly.

but a legitimate argument that christians of the time were culpable. dont forget, hitler had the seal of approval from the pope!

read your bible. john 8:42-44, 2:22-3,

mathew 23:13-38,

yea....i win.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams


First off, 100K civilians didn't die in Iraq, that was based on a bogus, unscientific political "study". So what other lies and guilt trips do you want us to kowtow to? Plenty of Americans care about dead Iraqi civilians. But do arrogant critics care about dead Iraqis at the hands of Saddam or the terrorists "insurgents"? Maybe we should have let Hitler hold Europe too so there wouldn't be millions of dead civilians too, following your logic!


It’s a shame that Maggie Gyllenhaal actually thinks that we had something to do with the deaths of over 3000 innocent people. This is yet another example of Hollywood making uneducated biased judgments without thinking of the repercussions or who they hurt. Most of you actors must learn your view of politics is not your strong point, in fact most of you who speak the loudest about them have absolute no idea of what you are talking about. Stick to what you do best and let the people in this country make there own discussions. This is America and if you don’t like what our fore fathers left us then leave. Anyway enough ranting. I have seen the movie and it did have some strong points but it is now tarnished in my opinion. An actress who has the staring role on this movie has ruined it for me since I now look upon her and just another person who is a mouth piece for the extreme left. By the way I am a moderate not a bible thumping conservative or a hate filled, only my view counts liberal


It really bothers me that people like you criticize "Hollywood" for making uneducated biased judgement, when you and I are no better or better informed than they are. It's really frustrating that people assume that because they are actors, actresses, directors, etc. that they may not have an ounce of wisdom in their heads. They have just as much wisdom as you or I and have just as much a right to say the things they feel. The fact that you blame the "liberal left" is just as biased as you claim Maggie Gyllenhaal to be. The fact that you claim to be to a moderate gives you no right to try to quash others opinions.


An actress who has the staring role on this movie has ruined it for me since I now look upon her and just another person who is a mouth piece for the extreme left.

So you're saying that 49.3% of New Yorkers are part of the "extreme left"?

Ms. Gyllenhaal's views are not so far out of the mainstream as the supposedly "leftist" media says. It has nothing to do with left vs. right. It's about right vs. wrong, and whether a Repub or a Dem was in the White House, actions speak louder than words.

For the Mankind, righteous Antboy fights!!


Remeber "The Seige" with denzel and willis , yes terrorists are wrong in attacking cities killing civilains for any reason even as they say US supports
ISRAELI army backed terrorism, but ARMY in a city no WAY , its wrong in NY or palestine or kashmir or bosnia and in most of these cases army occupation has been more than 50 years WTF ..

so US ppl might think that army occupation especially for that long is just wrong but US government supports that as it need to sell weapons to someone and eventually this will for sure create terrorists as a consequnce and so due to the fact that people are responsible of what there government is doing so for sure EVRY SINGLE AMERICAN IS RESPONSIBLE.

USA helps OSAMA in 80s to stop RUSSIAs infiltration of that region and ironically now infiltrating the same region in worst ways giving rise to more
prospective terrorisms.

USA helps SADDAM in many ways to hold his power, there are several of rumfield's and bush's visit to SADDAM , all in good faith, shaking hands and kissin @$$e$

NOW where did saddam got hold of that mustard gas and is ABU-GARAIB not worse than 911 (as a human).

No matter what, US uses atomic bomb resulting in several civil deaths u'all know where.

economic policies of US screwing everyone out there , but US government have a nice motive i.e. to keep americans live their materialistic lives upto fullest, in luxury and ignorance and SERIOUSLY They are doing a great job.

So US killing , terrorists killing, kill kill .. evrybody is responsible , evry single person left or right is responsble if US decides to fund and diplomatically help a country to have ARMY roam city streets,israel or iraq , especially if the rest of the diplomatic world dont think what US government does (FACT; US IS THE ONLY COUNTRY WHICH VITOS ISRAELi ARMY OCCUPATION AS VALID) , any army occupation in any city IN ANY CASE aint on jesus's OPTIONS list.

ITS BAD GUYS FIGHTING BAD GUYS and yes we are responsible for what our government does until we fight to change it. To just acknowledge it will be the weakest form of opposition but still counts :)

reply actually terrorism if a government does it. you should learn wtf it is you are saying before you say it.

also, take your anti-semitism elsewhere please.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams


These terrorists who attacked the WTC did it with a sucide attack, with that fact in mind. What the USA did across the world or the past 50 years is irrevelant. Becasue these hijackers were not in any sane rational train of thought to do what they did.

Same with the Kamkazie Pilots in WWII

Osama spent years feeding them loads of B.S. to get them to hate the USA and do what they did. He told them a line of twisted Islamic propaganda. It does nto matter wha thte USA has done because we would ahve been a target regardless. OSama would have told any twisted religous garbage to get these people to do what he wants them to do.

Biggest reason the USA was attacked bt Islamic terrorists: Because our society is not like theirs.

We do not live by the harsh Sharia Law, that prohibits Women to be treated like human beings, yet the feminists do not speak out aganist the oppression women face in Saudi Arabia. Neither do they celebrate the freedom Women in Afganistan now enjoy thanks to President Bush and the military. How many people did Hollywood free from tyranny?

Maggie has "courage"? give me a break Theo Van Gogh had courage to so a film critical of the way women are treated by Islam, and muslims killed him for that. In this day and age it is safer for these twits to speak out against the USA than islam, because the USA is not going to declare a fatwak aganist Maggie or the Dixie Chicks.

Every film festival in Europe refuses to show Van Gogh's film "Submission" in fear of offending or outraging muslims. That my friends is what we call cowardice.

Courage is not acting without fear, it is acting inspite of it, this film The Great New Wonderful, was made for the Hollywood crowd not for NYC or those heroes of the NYPD, FDNY or the passengers of Flight 93. It was made to impress some film critic at a festival most of our average joes will not be attending.


I'd really despise being in your mind. Walking, breathing, living with this Us vs. Them mentality, it must be tough to just love hating so much. Does the phrase,"either you're with us or the terrorists", ring a bell? If so, have you evolved past October 2001 or are you still foaming at the mouth with Muslim hatred?

I do admit though your Theo van Gogh statement is better but still it reaks of a thickly applied layer of total ignorance.

I'll let your poor english slide because your hate drool is making you choke. That much is forgivable but your point is very vague. So Americans should kill the Dixie Chicks? What? Or are you saying that Muslims should behave like Americans and not beat their women? Oh, that must be it. Yes, you are right, no one should beat up women. Better yet, don't tell someone else not to if you're doing it yourself. Even better, don't go making a movie about some totally different culture doing it when you're a self-admitted Islamophobe who openly and verbally slandered Muslims in the Netherland for years. Even better than that (i'm probably hovering way above your head by this point), imagine pre Oxy-Contin Rush Limbaugh making a film about Liberals smoking weed and getting into a car crash...that the equivalent to Theo Van Gogh.


As opposed to your...illiterate, not reading, of what she said? Yea, your opinion holds water.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams


I was going to start a thread asking if this movie was too soon, but I think this conversation has answered my question.

I was hurt when I read what Maggie said, but I think I'm more hurt that the studios decided to make a movie about September 11th. It's only been 4 years and not only is there still a gash in the land scape of New York City, but also in the mind of Americans whose way of life was changed on that terrible day.

I think it's too soon.


Very wise statement indeed.

Proud member of the World Peace Association


I understand everyone's frustration here. However, i think that her comments have been misunderstood. Maggie, from my perspective, is not saying that America is responsible for the terrorist attacks, but more that there could have been more to stop what happened. She obviously is not a fan of President Bush's and this is her way of saying it. I think that she is also saying that we need to learn from what happened and maybe treat each other better. That's just how i took her whole statement.

I know plenty of people who survived the attacks on the World Trade Center and i am heartbroken every time i think about that very sad day. It never should of happened, and i don't think that she is saying that it should have.


true, but 3 years after vietnam ended, "the deer hunter" and "coming home" were released, and "apocalypse now" was released the next year. that's the way some things are done...

by the way, i really don't care what maggie gyllenhaal said at all. for all i know, it was taken out of context. either way, it's getting blown out of proportions because she's popular, but your next door neighbor who's saying the same thing isn't, so who cares?

The Grammy's: Shafting more people than the Oscars since 1958





That is the most assinine statement I have seen yet. What the hell does the black vote have to do with anything? I don't want to live in a McCarthy like environment. What if she said that the slaves in the 1800's deserved what they got because of something they did? Horribly insensitive thing to say and completely untrue right? Well, that's why we're angry she said what she said about 9/11 you moron.



What are you a conspiracy theorist? With 20/20 hindsight perhaps we could've done more to prevent it but we sure as hell didn't do anything to cause it. Obviously it is you that has no idea what he/she is talking about. Where's the proof? You tell me what we did that caused 9/11. Did we get into the planes and fly them into our buildings? If you are going to give the typical liberal response of "we didn't mind our own business" well then you are even slower than I originally thought. Fact is we don't live in Switzerland. We have always looked out for other countries and did what was right and we always will. Changing that would give the terrorists what they want and that'll never happen. Even with that kind of a foreign policy there was absolutely nothing we did that deserved an attack.



I notice you never stated the facts of what exactly we did that caused the attack. Enough said. Liberals resort to put downs when they don't have any facts to support their argument. Sad. I also, nowhere, said we "deserved" the attack. Stop making things up.



Point proven.



Check and mate, good sir.


I'm not going to throw my opinion on the matter into this mix because there are quite enough opinions busting out of this topic as it is...but there is a thing I find interesting. You are all huffy here about this person not using facts to support their argument. I notice throughout the thread, a number of people do use specific facts to disagree with you....and you didn't actually reply to any of them. Why is it that throughout this entire thread you started, the only people you replied to are people who gave opinions? Why didn't you reply to anyone who presented facts? Is it because you had no facts to counteract them or is it just that you didn't feel like it?


Those wings make your ass look fierce.


notice how you were ignored as well? Doesn't matter. An intelligent discussion about why she said what she said or a rational debate on why the attacks happened isn't why this thread exists. The whole reason this thread was started was to get people riled up so the poster could lash out at anyone who disagreed with him. It's all about hate.


Oh for crying out loud.
Look, I'm a foreigner to the US, so forgive me, but I cannot for the life of me understand WHY Americans try so hard to be ultra-PC!! Why is it racist to order a 'black' or 'white' coffee?? Why do people, in the heat of an argument, blurt out sayings like "You're being insensitive to blah blah blah" instead of pausing for a second to think of what they REALLY want to say???

I'm all for tolerance, I'm all for manners -- but really, some people need to stop hiding behind ultra-PC jargon in arguments, and just think before they reply. PC is no longer 'Politically Correct', it's absurd. PC makes things so unbelievably superficial, especially when backed up with a common insult! It shows that the speaker/writer is not getting to the truth of their thoughts.

9/11 was an appalling event, but why are people still so extremely delicate about it? Because, at the time everyone blocked out the nasty event, and spouted easy, cliched, PC statements, to pacify each other. Sure, it may have been comfortable to hear that America was not at all responsible for another country's hatred towards them, but accepting that as the end of the argument is just like pushing down a horrible memory deep in your psyche and not facing up to it properly -- it WILL resurface, with the same intensity you had at the time you buried it.

Thank goodness Maggie said what she did. Whether she was disrespectful or not, hopefully her comments will initiate intelligent CONVERSATION, not just "Ow, that hurt something inside of me, I'm going to ignore the cause, and just shoot the messenger". Please, please, please -- try to put your anger aside, and understand what it is that's REALLY hurting you!



Just another example of an arrogant Hollywood type who think because they're in movies they are more enlightened then the rest of us lowly peasants. I'm so irritated by these actors who believe that we really care about their pommpous condescending political opinions. Most actors don't live in the real world. Sure I love the movies but I'll be golly-durn-ding-danged if I want to put up with or hear a peep out of these self absorbed spoiled loud mouths. Especailly this Maggie and her out-of-touch from outer-space perspective of the horrible, sad, and evil day when thousands of innocent people were brutally murdered. Yeah Maggie keep shooting your mouth off. I'll be sure to launch my personal campaign to make sure none of my friends or family ever patronize any video, DVD, movie, TV show, magazine article that has a hint of your molecular essence. Yeah Maggie you're so wise and enlightened please tell the rest of us what we've done wrong. Please your Highness blather on.


My God...You morons call yourselves Americans? Have any of you ever bothered to learn a little American history? The U.S. does not exist in some righteous bubble! Most of you fools criticizing Maggie probably have no real knowledge our country's place in th stream of history. For you's the same ridiculous mantra...the end of our innocence.
The Titanic sinking was the end of innocence.
WWI was the end of innocence.
Pearl Habor was the end of American innocence.
JFKs assassination was the end of our innocence.
The Challenger disaster was the end of our innocence.
The Oklahoma City bombing was the end of our innocence.
September 11th was the end of our innocence.

Like a lousy skank, America appears to have lost its innocence quite a few times.

I'm American and it offends the hell out of me, that such ignorance can be confused honest patriotism.

I'll suggest to you, what I suggest to all other the ignorant sheep around here...go visit a Native American reservation, take a look through a collection of decades worth of lynching postcards from the Bible Belt, research into life for Japanese-Americans during the early '40s....
America's exceptional ignorance doesn't just lead to blowbacks like 9/11.

If you bother looking into some of the'll see US Americans are capable of doing it to our own!

Now you self-righteous fools can go back to sleep!

You, Mr Neville, are the refuse of the past. You are discarded!


You are absolutely right soylentgreen. All of the people that disagree with what she said are just brainwashed with nationalistic pride but are shrouded from the reality of America's history in the world. Through imperialism, colonialism, and occupancy, they have created animosity throughout the world. History is never forgotten people.

The media had a large part to do with what happened by painting a false picture of how America really is.

The people that critize her "American" right for free speech should all go visit a library and do some reading on American history because what you find will be quite shocking to you. Check out Haitian history, policies with islamic states, civil war times, just do some reading please before making ignorant comments as such because it only makes you look stupid.


If you track back to soylentgreen-1 post in April he/she makes a point not fully elucidated in the thread. The attack on 9-11 is blowback from 30 years of American foreign policy.

These are facts:

We armed Saddam Hussein and gave him money for weapons to fight a war with Iran because we hated Iran for the Hostage Crises.

We are partly responsible for the hostage crises because we supported a brutal dictator, the Shah of Iran, for several years prior to his ouster by Khomeni and his religious backers.

We armed Osoma bin Laden and al Qaeda in Afghanistan to fight the Russians. Cia operatives even trained him in the use of those weapons.

We continue to place troops in the Middle East, a politically divisive subject among Muslims. Many Arabs oppose the presence of US troops and devout Muslims are especially angered by their presence in areas of the Middle East they condider sacred.

To assert that none of this matters and that the terrorists decided to attack NY because they "hate our freedom" is ludricrous. I say this not to justify terrorist actions but to better understand why someone would hate us enough to murder innocent American citizens.

All of these assertions are based on research that is well publicized in Academic books, such as "Blowback" by Chalmers Johnson. To assert that Maggie is a stupid air-headed Hollywood elitist misses the mark. She is merely announcing her belief in the findings of these books and similar research. That means she's well read, not an air-head.

But this is typical of Neo-Cons; attack the messenger and not the message. There is no evidence to support the notion that the terrorists attacked us because they hate our freedom. Furthermore, if you were to ask Maggie, she would never say the terrorists were justified in their actions nor would she say terrorism is an appropriate means of political action against the US.

But understanding why they would commit such a despicable act is a means to help prevent such actions in the future. Maggie's commments are driven by a frustration with an administration that is more comfortable with good vs. evil explanations, a jingoistic rhetoric, and the continuation of foreign policies that sustain or exacerbate hatred of the US and make such attacks more likely in the future rather than less likely.

The victims of 9-11 deserve our sympathy, our support, and our comfort. American foreign policy does not deserve such coddling.


"I'm so irritated by these actors who believe that we really care about their pommpous condescending political opinions."

You are? Hm. Sounds like what she said bothered you. Sounds like you care. Hm.



How DARE you people accuse her for speaking her mind?? She gave her reasons for what she believes and you should respect her reasoning! I for one think that she is completely right! America or should I say the evil government ruling America should be partly blamed for what happened. They go about thinking they rule the whole planet. Just because they are such a big country and have so much 'power' doesn't mean they can do whatever they can.

Don't get me wrong, I don't support terrorism at all! I was mourning for months when the 9/11 attacks happened. It was horrible. But I'm sorry to say that your bastard president had it coming.

I don't blame Maggie. She should be congratulated for being speaking her mind. Besides, isn't America the land of the free? Where everybody has freedom of speech? You think about that.

'The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return' - Moulin Rouge!


Several of you have changed the actor's (Maggie G.) words, inserting phrases like "america's actions ..." or "america had something to do with ...", or "america is responsible for." I believe she said "america has some role", perhaps shying away from saying "it's america's fault", perhaps not.

Whatever the case, to say America, it citizens, it bureaucrats, its military, and etc., as meaning-ful objects, had nothing to do with the "attacks" is ridiculous. Of course America had something to do with the attacks, if only because it is america, and people do see it in a way that is on many occasions unpleasant. The "attack", as it is called, was not on ice land, mexico, cuba, or New Zealand. Do you suppose it was by accident Bin Laden and company focus themselves on America rather than New Zealand? Do you think these individuals think of ice land in the same way they do New York?

So again, of course America and "america" had something to do with the attacks and the "attacks." I'm not sure what is being disputed.


I am a canadian so I don't feel patriotic at all about America but I do know my facts and know that America in not innocent. It's not as simple as osama planned the attack, nothing more to it. America might not have actually led the attack but Osama Bin Laden didn't just decide to bomb them because he felt like it. America (and I don't mean it's civillians, I mean it's goverment) has often gone and done things when it has no place in doing them. America has dominated the world caused so much *beep* Do you think it was a coincidene that America was attacked? Why do you think Canada doesn't have mass terrorist bombings? (Just for the record I do not believe that Canada is a perfect country, Paul Martin is a crooked ass and if Stephen Harper gets in god save us all).

From all this I am merely trying to say that this issue is not black and white. Maggie Gylenhall expressed her views. She never acted as if knew more than we do. Why is it any different than any of us stating out opinions? She's just had the luck to get famous. Now I think people should stop defending America just for the sake of being patriotic and look at this from different points of views. I think it's too bad that people are clouded by "not trying to have any nerve" and actually take a look at this. It's more of an insult to the memory of the people who des in the attacks to do that than to actually figure out why this happended and how we can prevent it.

Now i'm ready for the slew of hatemail.


I am american and everyone can shut up, the same people want their rights to run around spreading their chatholic ideas around the world and have a fit when someone says something that contadicts their feelings.

Go Maggie, say what you will, its a god damn free country and all these douches don't have to see your movie, *beep* em.



Sorry, I am a Canadian too... and I've read things I totally agree with on this board and things I totally disagree with --- and now you are all asking why I post -- because it "didn't really effect me" right?

Well.... These are just my little statements of opinion -- read if you care...

1. Not all Canadians are leftwing liberals that think America is evil. Some of us are VERY VERY proud to live in a province that promotes close ties to the US. (not because we want to cease being Canadians... we love Canada -- but we have a really hard time believing the 'national' tv station and all the Easterners (Oh yeah... and hippies) telling us that we are so much better than the US)

2. 20/20 hind sight is just that -- hind sight -- and there is NO WAY TO CHANGE THE PAST! Just vote in your elections and try to make the world a better place!

3. As an American -- yes, Maggie has a right to state her opinion. As a public figure however, in my opinion Maggie, like too many actors and actresses are using their celebrity to push a specific agenda.

(Case in point: Nearly all Hollywood people are VERY VERY Democrate (IMO). That's okay -- but CLEARLY about 50% of American's voted for Bush -- yet all I heard about from celebrities was John Kerry this and that... Bush is so evil etc. If you were a young person and your FAVOURITE actor got up and pushed a political agenda (either way R or D -- you just don't hear a lot of Republican pushing from celebs) you could be easily swayed.)

I just think it is a total abuse of your position. What if One of these famous people got up and said it was okay to sleep with your siblings or to do drugs -- just because some people agree would that make it right???

I dunno... like I said, I'm a Canadian -- but clearly a different kind of Canadian than Mr. lostpicks -- so my opinion probably doesn't matter -- just like it doesn't matter here in Canada (a place that can be ruled by a party elected mainly in 2 provinces and hardly elected AT ALL (I think there are only two of the ruling party in my home province vs. 26 of the opposition! -- how is that good government?))

I just think it's fine that Maggie has opinions, but maybe they should be kept private -- or at least not made so glaringly as an agenda -- don't abuse your position!!

**p.s. I am not trying to get anyone's opinion about the election or GWB -- so please don't follow post with election stuff! Thanks! :)**



No one knows everything about anything and instead of coming to terms with that we say stupid things like you just said.




i have to say congrats to Ms. Gyllenhaal for speaking her mind, although she probably knew the disgusting outlash against her as a result. I don't completely agree with what she said. But her comments do provide some significance. To simply say we had nothing to do with what happened on 9/11 would simply be ignorant. We, out of the respect of those who died on 9/11, should investigate further on the events that occured on 9/11. Maybe our government saw 9/11 coming. Maybe it could have been prevented. Who knows? Who knows how much the government hides from us. In Ms. Gyllenhaal's case, the most difficult thing in this country is to say what needs to be said. We would all be lying if we said the thought has never popped into our minds at one point or another. The difference between her and us is that she actually said something. In a country that brags about it's freedom of speech, and in turn critizes those who act on that right, i applaud Ms. Gyllenhaal for having the confidence to say what others are not brave enough to say themselves.


Well said.

Bush had it coming. He should be overthrown. Definitely. And I'm saying that because if he isn't now, then I'm pretty sure more terrorist attacks will happen.

You as the people of America, out of ALL people, should realize this AND STOP MAKING HIM YOUR DAMN PRESIDENT! He's the one who bloody got everyone hating America! Why stand it? He does not deserve to be there. Thick, naive b******.

And I apologize for cussing your president. Even though he deserves it.

'The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return' - Moulin Rouge!


Actually it was not just Bush that made many many people around the world hate Americans. I went to Europe 10 years ago (in grade 10) and the tour company (American) told us to make it CLEAR we were Canadian. We were to put maple leafs and Canadian Flags all over our bags. The other school from Kentucky did as well.

Well before Bush Americans were disliked in many countries. Really it is sad that silly sterotypes (ie very loud Americans, always smoking French, passive-agressive Canadians etc.) have clouded the way the world sees each other.

And before everyone on this board attempts to impeach Bush look at your own Presidents/Prime Ministers etc. There are PLENTY around the world who may not be to your liking. Some people like GWB and some don't. Some people like PM Martin, some don't. Why complain about THAT when we are discussing Maggie's seemingly 'unpatriotic' statement.

(Although while we are off topic, can someone explain to me the freaky God-like worship of the US flag? I lived in the states for a year and when I did not put my hand over my heart and recite the pledge to the US while looking at the flag I bet if looks could kill I would have been killed a million times over -- I'm Canadian, why would I recite it??? Though I COULD recite it better than some Americans I know... but that's beside the point, I am just curious why the flag is so important... it's just a thing. I like the maple leaf just fine but I certainly don't worship it... just a question! :) )


Where are you from you lunatic?


How dare you. You're a sick bastard. You have some pair on you to refer to the president of the United States as a Bastard. Hate to break it to you schmuck but President Clinton was the one who turned the other way the first time the WTC was attacked by the same organization. I can't believe you had the audacity to say that the President had it coming. You are an ignorant schmuck.


How do you really know anything ajmets? You believe what you're told, not what's there. Terrorists wouldn't attack America for no apparent reason. Every attack in the history of the world is provoked. If you think a whole hell of a lot of the world just up and went crazy, fine, go ahead and think that. But what really happened to spark this? Who trained Osama? America. Who invaded the Middle East numerous times based on nothing more than a hunch? America. Think about that. Those two pieces of evidence are enough to go on. And if you need any more, all I have to say is Kuwait's oil. I'm in no way saying killing 3000 innocent people is ok, but I am saying that America's "great" leaders have brought it on themselves. If you seriously think the war can not be brought home, than YOU are ignorant. Your so-called president has already weaseled his way into two wars after 9/ think those people are happy about that? I'm sure TONS of Iraqi's were perfectly fine with a stable government, whether the leader be a mass murderer or not. I'm sure you yourself are proud of your sick leader, as they were. You'd be just as unhappy to see Bush fall as they were to see Saddam fall. They have no government now. No leaders, no law, nothing. How can the president keep saying this is a peace mission? Sadly, I do have to break some news to you. I don't know if you realize this but you cannot rid the world of terrorists. Someone out there will eventually snap at someone else in a big way, and the ewar wil lhave to launch right back into full force. As much as peace would be a great thing to have on Earth, fighting for it is seriously like *beep* for virginity. It just doesn't make any sense. How can evil and pain and death end wen evil, pain and death are attempting to end it? Anyone who replies to this...SERIOUSLY think and take a look around at the state of things these days before you answer me because I'm in no mood to hear United States pride babble *beep* So please answer to this in some fashion I can handle. And don't attack my theories with no premise, or any contradictions. If I contradicted myself, I meant to.

Crazy kids and their....V.D.


Hey Savvas! You need to read some history and do some research. The attacks on 9/11 by the vile muslims has NOTHING to do with our government or any other government or any foreign policy. The muslims have been trying to get their foot in the door in the west for 1000 years!!!!

From early on, they attacked French villages along the Mediterranean! They marched to the very gates of Vienna! They overran Poland (from which they were chased out). They never stopped attacking! However, today, they discovered a few way to get their foot in the door.... and it's called IMMIGRATION!!!!!!


Sounds like your foaming at the mouth and gurgling from your own hatred. Try not to choke.


Hey! I seemed to have missed the USA's 1000 anniversary!! When was that?


Isn't America supposed to be a free country? So isn't she allowed to say what she pleases? It does make me laugh the way you criticise people who have an opinion that's dissimilar to yours.

How do you know America is innocent in all of this? I mean, do you actually know everything your government does? I'm very sure you do not. The way your country thinks it's some kind of superior state to everybody else makes me laugh. Do you not think one day somebody was going to shut you up? 9/11 was a terrible, terrible day though.



uniprez: right: she has some nerve insulting america and our troop bla bla bla

left: you go girl! freedom of speech! yeah! bush sucks! bla bla bla

teejay6682 : bla bla bla


Right, Left, whatever, she is still doable and I could give a flying *beep* as to what she or anyone else says cause its a free god damn country. Live with it or move.


Are you guys done yet?


How do I know America is innocent of all of this? Because bin Laden gave his reasons for the attack, and none of them justify what he did.

He's upset because the 'infidels' (Americans) were stationed on sacred ground (Saudi Arabia) during the 1990 Gulf War. Yet Saudi Arabia requested our assistance, because they were worried Saddam wouldn't stop at Kuwait. The war to push Saddam out of Kuwait was sanctioned by the United Nations. Several Middle Eastern nations participated in the conflict. The Kuwaitis, who are also Muslim, are very pro-American. Unlike Saddam, they don't seem to mind that infidels swoop in from the Holy Land to save them.

He's also upset because of the US support for Israel. I'll never apologize for that support. Israel is a place of refuge for the Jews in the aftermath of the Holocaust. We can argue all day what Israel has done right and wrong in regards to foreign policy. But without the US, Israel would be wiped off the face of the earth.
